Postdoctoral position at LEGI, Grenoble, France

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Postdoctoral position at LEGI, Grenoble, France

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at Laboratoire des Ecoulements Géophysiques et Industriels
(LEGI, Grenoble, France).

A post-doctoral position is open in ocean modelling at LEGI, in the MEOM (Multi-scalE
Ocean Modelling) Team, Grenoble, France. The post-doctoral project will benefit from a
stimulating research environment and will be embedded into running activities connected to
the EU funded MyOcean project, the international DRAKKAR multiscale modelling project,
and the national global ocean/sea-ice reanalysis project GLORYS.

The subject of the postdoctoral project is open and should be driven by the personal scientific
interest of the applicant. The project should however make use of the global ocean/sea-ice
reanalyses performed within MyOcean and GLORYS over the period 1992-present, and/or
the set of model simulations of the global ocean/sea-ice circulation and variability (1958-
present) carried out by the international DRAKKAR group. The use of historical or recent insitu
(ARGO) and/or satellite (JASON) observations is encouraged. The project may also plan
to run dedicated model simulations with the DRAKKAR hierarchy of model configurations
(global or regional, from 2° to 1/12°). Engineering and computational support will then be
provided. Scientific issues related to the dynamics and variability of the Southern Ocean, or
the North Atlantic and the Nordic Seas, or the western tropical Pacific are of particular
interest to the MEOM Team. However, the project does not necessarily have to focus on these
regions, and the originality of scientific project of the candidate will be determinant factor in
the selection.

Applicants should hold a PhD in physical oceanography, or dynamical meteorology, or
geophysical fluid dynamics. A background in ocean or climate modelling is desirable.
The position is for two years. The starting date is from October 2009 and no later than March
2010. Candidates interested in this post-doctoral project should send (via email) their
application including a short description of their research project, their academic CV and two
or three reference letters to:

Bernard Barnier (
Applications will be considered until the position is filled.
John Wilkin: DMCS Rutgers University
71 Dudley Rd, New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8521, USA. ph: 609-630-0559

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