AGU/Ocean Sciences meeting in Portland, Oregon

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AGU/Ocean Sciences meeting in Portland, Oregon

#1 Unread post by arango »

Abstracts are invited for the AGU/Ocean Sciences meeting in Portland, Oregon

Abstracts can be submitted :arrow: here.

Please notice that DEADLINE IS OCTOBER 15.

PO05 Advances in Coastal Ocean Prediction: Nested Modeling

Description: Downscaling and extending predictability in coastal and shelf seas are two of the objectives of the GODAE OceanView (GOV) initiative through its Coastal Ocean and Shelf Seas Task Team (COSSTT). Broad participation and international coordination of interdisciplinary coastal and shelf models nested in data assimilative large scale models is a COSSTT priority. This session will provide a forum for multi-scale hydrodynamic modeling and observational studies that aim toward scientific validation, prediction and operational applications of numerical models in coastal and shelf seas. Applications of nested models, such as the influence of physical processes on ecosystem dynamics and interdisciplinary coastal predictions are also welcome. The session will promote the discussion of methodologies that lead to reliable coastal forecasts (such as data assimilation, error analysis, influence of nesting, resolution and forcing), Observing System Simulation Experiments and the impact of sustainable, integrated modeling and observational networks that connect local, regional and global scales.


Villy Kourafalou - University of Miami/RSMAS
Pierre De Mey - LEGOS - Laboratoire d''Etudes en Ge'ophysique et Oce'anographie Spatiales
Patrick Hogan - Naval Research Lab/NRL-SSC

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