The error message I get is
Code: Select all
DEF_HIS - inquiring history file: mypath/
NETCDF_OPEN - unable to open existing NetCDF file:
call from: def_his.F
Code: Select all
70! Create output history NetCDF file or prepare existing file to
71! append new data to it. Also, notice that it is possible to
72! create several files during a single model run.
74 IF (LdefHIS(ng)) THEN
75 IF (ndefHIS(ng).gt.0) THEN
76 IF (idefHIS(ng).lt.0) THEN
77 idefHIS(ng)=((ntstart(ng)-1)/ndefHIS(ng))*ndefHIS(ng)
78 IF (idefHIS(ng).lt.iic(ng)-1) THEN
79 idefHIS(ng)=idefHIS(ng)+ndefHIS(ng)
82 IF ((nrrec(ng).ne.0).and.(iic(ng).eq.ntstart(ng))) THEN
83 IF ((iic(ng)-1).eq.idefHIS(ng)) THEN
84 Ldefine=.FALSE. ! finished file, delay
85 ELSE ! creation of next file
86 Ldefine=.TRUE.
87 NewFile=.FALSE. ! unfinished file, inquire
88 END IF ! content for appending
89 idefHIS(ng)=idefHIS(ng)+nHIS(ng) ! restart offset
90 ELSE IF ((iic(ng)-1).eq.idefHIS(ng)) THEN
Code: Select all
idefHIS = -1
iic = 11041
LdefHIS = .true.
ndefHIS = 1200
NrecHIS = 1
nrrec = 1
ntstart = 11041
Because the simulation just started, there are no files present in the output folder and a new file is required.
Very likely, this bug not only affects history but also average, etc files but I did not investigate any further in that direction.