Graduate and Post-doc Fellowships at Dalhousie University

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Graduate and Post-doc Fellowships at Dalhousie University

#1 Unread post by kfennel »

Graduate and Post-doctoral Fellowships at Dalhousie University

Graduate and post-doctoral fellowships in ocean observation, modeling and data assimilation are available at Dalhousie University through a newly funded NSERC Strategic Network Grant (SNG). The SNG builds on the Ocean Tracking Network, a global, $168-million conservation project, which is conducting the world's most comprehensive and revolutionary examination of the movement of marine life and its relationship to changing ocean conditions (

We are currently seeking six graduate and three post-doctoral fellows with strong quantitative abilities who will participate in the implementation of an integrated observation and modeling system. The system will include cutting-edge ocean measurements (through sensors on ocean gliders, moorings and animals), physical and biological models, and advanced data assimilation, and is funded through the SNG. The initial geographic focus is the Northwest Atlantic Ocean and adjacent shelf seas.

One graduate fellowship is available for analysis of mooring data (contact: Blair Greenan <> or Peter Smith <>).
One graduate fellowship is available for analysis of physical and bio-optical data from gliders (contact John Cullen <>).
One graduate fellowship is available for analysis of sensor data (lab and field) from fish (contact Christopher Taggart <>).
One graduate and one post-doctoral fellowship are available for the development of nested physical models (contact Jinyu Sheng <>).
One graduate and one post-doctoral fellowship are available for coupled physical-biological modeling (contact Katja Fennel <>).
One graduate and one post-doctoral fellowship are available for implementation of advanced data assimilation techniques (contact Keith Thompson <>).

An expression of interest should be accompanied by a curriculum vitae, transcripts (unofficial are acceptable for now) and a brief statement of research interests and goals. Consideration of applications will begin immediately and continue until positions are filled. Post-doctoral fellowships are for one year initially with possible extension to up to 3 years based on satisfactory performance. Fellowships are located at Dalhousie University’s Oceanography Department ( in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.

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