Postdoctoral Researcher

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Postdoctoral Researcher

#1 Unread post by robertson »

TITLE: Postdoctoral Researcher. The College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences (COAS) at Oregon State University (OSU) invites applications for a full-time, fixed term, Research Associate (Postdoctoral) position.

SALARY: $40,000-$41,000


Use of satellite and coastal radar data to quantify and explain changes in mesoscale circulation variability in the California Current, with an initial emphasis on the U.S. GLOBEC study region off Oregon. Specific research tasks: Development of methods to combine satellite altimeter sea surface height, coastal radar (CODAR) and satellite scatterometer wind fields to better define mesoscale circulation features (scales of 15-200km), located within several hundred kilometers of the coast; Validation of the circulation fields by comparison to satellite temperature and pigment concentration fields, as well as to in situ data from the same region collected during surveys between 1997-2003; Analysis of the dynamics responsible for the temporal variability of the fields; Publication of results in peer-reviewed journals. The altimeter data set spans the strong 1997-1998 El Niño (warm SST, high surface heights) and the abrupt switch to La Niña conditions in 1999-2002. The post-doc will work within the recently established Cooperative Institute for Oceanographic Satellite Studies (CIOSS).

Recent Ph.D. in physical oceanography or atmospheric sciences; Experience with statistical analysis of time series of 2-D fields from multiple sources, including error characteristics; Proficiency in spoken and written English, with demonstrated ability to complete and publish results; Proficiency in programming (Fortran, IDL, and/or Matlab) within a UNIX environment; Experience with remote sensing data sets, including satellite and/or HF radar, is highly desirable; Demonstrable commitment to promoting and enhancing diversity is preferred.

TO APPLY: Send statement of scientific interest, curriculum vitae and names, addresses, phone numbers and e-mail addresses of three references to:

Janine Kobel
104 Ocean Admin Bldg
Corvallis, OR, 97331-5503

For full consideration, applications must be received by 10/6/03. Questions about the position should be directed to Dr. P. Ted Strub (phone: 541-737-3015; or Dr. P. Michael Kosro (phone: 541-737-3079, Administrative questions should be directed to Ms. Janine Kobel (phone: 541-737-9655; The fax for all contacts is 541-737-2064. Further information about COAS can be found at http:/// OSU is an AA/EOE and has a policy of being responsive to the needs of dual-career couples.

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