variables not being witten to average & diagnostic files

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variables not being witten to average & diagnostic files

#1 Unread post by tompc35 »

At some point between revision 351 and the latest version 519, I believe ROMS stopped writing certain variables to average & diagnostic files. I have tested this using the upwelling test case with AVERAGES, UV_DIAGNOSTICS and TS_DIAGNOSTICS defined in upwelling.h (and PERFECT_RESTART undefined). I am using Linux with gfortran.

In the latest version 519, average and diagnostic files are indeed generated and no errors occur. However, those files do not contain 3D and 4D variables such as 'ubar_bstr' or 'salt_rate'. They only contain 1D and 2D variables like 's_w' and 'x_rho'. All variables in history files are written normally.

I do not have a fix, but one difference between the two versions is in wrt_diags.F In the latest version, there are lines like this (line 92) before the variables are written:

Code: Select all

IF (Dout(ifield,ng)) THEN
In the earlier version these IF statements are not present. There are also no references to the variable Dout in the inp_par.F in the earlier version, but there are in the more recent version.

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Re: variables not being witten to average & diagnostic files

#2 Unread post by arango »

It is very likely that you didn't updated your standard input script for your application. There are several new logical switches to control the writing of average (Aout) and diagnostic (Dout) fields. See the following :arrow: trac ticket.

Users need to check the trac tickets to see if the standard input scripts have been modified and update old application scripts accordingly. Notice that a Warning is issued when this is done.

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Re: variables not being witten to average & diagnostic files

#3 Unread post by tompc35 »

Yes, that's the problem. Thank you.

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