COAWST Modeling System (ROMS, WRF, SWAN, Sediment Transport)

General scientific issues regarding ROMS

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COAWST Modeling System (ROMS, WRF, SWAN, Sediment Transport)

#1 Unread post by jcwarner »

Dear ROMS users:
I have been recently asked several times about the status of WRF coupling. There is a group of us that have developed a coupled modeling system that is comprised of:
- ROMS svn 455
- WRF v3.1.1
- Sediment Routines (to be separated out)
- RefDif
The models have grid refinement (ROMS one-way, SWAN one-way, WRF two-way), can be run on different grids, and can be coupled on the different refinement levels. We are looking to add other models such as a different spectral wave model (other than SWAN), an infragravity wave model (InWave), and a groundwater model (perhaps MODFLOW). This is developing as a separate modeling system apart from the Rutgers distribution. If people are interested to use this modeling system they can contact me at
An example of the system has been published in:

Warner, J.C., Armstrong, B., He, R., and Zambon, J.B., 2010, Development of a Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere-Wave-Sediment Transport (COAWST) modeling system: Ocean Modeling, v. 35, no. 3, p. 230-244.

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Re: COAWST Modeling System (ROMS, WRF, SWAN, Sediment Transp

#2 Unread post by zhoulilong »

I'm really intrested in the COAWST Modeling System, I've sent you a Email last day (, and my name is the same as the id in this forum, could I become a COAWST user?

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