I have a question regarding how to create input files for the ROMS-SWAN coupling.
What I am trying to do is to get wave parameters from NOAA NCEP global WW3 and to use them as open boundary condition for the ROMS-SWAN coupling to the domain of my interest (East Australia Coast). Other input data include bulk forcing data from NCEP and Tidal prediction from OSU.
When I checked the SWAN manual and the ROMS community as well as the manuscripts written by Dr. John Warner on ROM-SWAN coupling and MCT, I become confused about how to create input data for the model coupling (SWAN side).
For ROMS forcing file, we can include parameters of wave amplitude (Awave), wave direction(Dwave) and wave period(Pwave) into the forcing file. I initially thought that those input data would be used for SWAN running while coupled as I have the SWAN grid identical to ROMS', so I included those parameters obtained from NCEP into the forcing file. However, it seems to me that those data are used for computing bottom stress for ROMS not used for SWAN. If my memory is correct, I saw a discussion somewhere in the ROMS community that we need to create input files of ROMS and SWAN separately as if the models are run separately and the MCT controls the model coupling.

But when I read the SWAN user manual, there were no commands which allow me to include NOAA WW3 non-stationary wave (gridded) parameters as open boundary condition. I found that I could specify the boundary condition in swan.in for either TPAR (only for one location), 1D spectra, or 2D spectra file using BOUNDSPEC; however, none of them seems to apply to my situation.

Does SWAN get input data from ROMS input netcdf files while coupled or do we have to create two sets of separate input files for ROMS and SWAN in order to run the coupled models? if so, how can I create the input file(s) to include open boundary condition for SWAN?
Any comments/input would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Best regards,
DJ Kobashi
Griffith University
Gold Coast