possible problem in salinity profile

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possible problem in salinity profile

#1 Unread post by turuncu »


I did a climatological run but i think that there is a problem in the vertical profile of salinity field. The attached figure belongs to MAM average salinity field in three different cross sections. As it can be seen from the figure, the saline water always in the surface. This is same in the other seasons. The temperature and currents seems reasonable but salinity is not similar to the vertical profile. The saline surface water can be explained by evaporation in summer but i am not sure. Any suggestions are welcome.


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Re: possible problem in salinity profile

#2 Unread post by turuncu »


I am still investigating the problem with different combinations of the CPP options (vertical mixing parametrization etc.). I also tried to run the model with SST and SSS correction but the results is same. The attached plot shows the vertical profile of the salinity data in three different locations. The other indicates looks well. Is this vertical grid structure can cause this kind of problem. I am using following parameters,

Code: Select all

   Vtransform == 2                          ! transformation equation
  Vstretching == 4                          ! stretching function

! Vertical S-coordinates parameters (see below for details), [1:Ngrids].

     THETA_S == 3.0d0                      ! surface stretching parameter
     THETA_B == 0.35d0                      ! bottom  stretching parameter
      TCLINE == 10.0d0                     ! critical depth (m)
Any suggestion will be helpful.


salinity profile in May
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