ERRORs with the newly released ROMS repository matlab

General scientific issues regarding ROMS

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ERRORs with the newly released ROMS repository matlab

#1 Unread post by feroda »

Hi all,

I am having a hard time in using the newly released ROMS repository matlab, as reported in Major overhault of scripts on the ROMS Matlab repository.
The matlab version I am using is 2012a as has been recommended. For the script /matlab/initial/d_mercator2roms.m, which I started with, I ran into the following errors:

>> d_mercator2roms

Undefined function or variable 'nc_double'.

Error in nc_vnames>nc_vnames_matlab (line 175)
S.Variables(n).ncType = nc_double;

Error in nc_vnames (line 56)
S = nc_vnames_matlab(fname); % Matlab native interface

Error in nc_inq (line 71)
V = nc_vnames(ncfile); % NetCDF file variables

Error in nc_read (line 77)
Info = nc_inq(ncfile);

Error in d_mercator2roms (line 42)

Thanks for your comments and suggestions.

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Re: ERRORs with the newly released ROMS repository matlab

#2 Unread post by arango »

Yes, they are defined in the MEXNC interface when it is downloaded from its repository. I have this utility installed in my Matlab path so I didn't detected this possibility. My svn directory for MEXNC has the following files after I downloaded from public repository at

Code: Select all

AUTHORS                 mexcdf60.m              nc_fill_mode.m          nc_noclobber_mode.m     src/
COPYING                 mexnc.m                 nc_float.m              nc_nofill_mode.m        tests/
ChangeLog               nc_64bit_offset_mode.m  nc_global.m             nc_nowrite_mode.m       win32/
Contents.m              nc_byte.m               nc_int.m                nc_share_mode.m         win64/
README                  nc_char.m               nc_lock_mode.m          nc_short.m
mexcdf.m                nc_clobber_mode.m       nc_nat.m                nc_write_mode.m
mexcdf53.m              nc_double.m             nc_netcdf4_classic.m    private/
I just need to put an interface for all these parameters so it is not necessary to download the MEXNC toolbox. I will update the repository soon.


Re: ERRORs with the newly released ROMS repository matlab

#3 Unread post by feroda »

Thanks for the updates. More attention might need to be paid to some other netCDF interface parameters or functions, such as [status]=c_initial(S) and [status]=c_boundary(S).

One more question about this repository matlab goes to the netCDF functions in /matlab/netcdf/. . Taking nc_read as an example, what's the purpose to design it on considering we have a native function named ncread? Especially, it will be a problem if the source netCDF is globally covering, which could potentially lead to memory-outflow. On the other hand, ncread could define a date subset according to users' model domains. It also takes more time to read the same data using nc_read compared to using ncread.

I just started to look at this repository matlab, and I understand that I need to do my own homework to get familiar with it. Thanks for all your efforts.

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