Bug in obc_volcons

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Bug in obc_volcons

#1 Unread post by msd »


I've got some more stuff on OBC_VOLCONS, including (I think) a real bug this time. To refresh your memory, I've attached the message I sent last time where all I did was increase the precision in some of the volume conservation calculations. I was using the beta version 2d (and not the current release) at that point, but I don't think that matters much.

When I was testing the UPWELLING case with open boundaries, OBC_VOLCONS and the change to the code before, I got the same answer with:

OMP, 4 tiles, 4 processors
OMP, 4 tiles, 2 processors
MPI, 4 tiles, 4 processors

However, I was just recently checking something with the current release and found that I still get different answers when I change the tiling. The problem is actually in set_DUV_bc_tile. Look at the following code (for just DUon) taken from step2d.F.

Code: Select all

      DO j=-2+J_RANGE+1
        DO i=-1+I_RANGE+1
          DUon(i,j)=0.5_r8*(Drhs(i,j)+Drhs(i-1,j))*ubar(i,j,krhs)*      &
     &              on_u(i,j)
        END DO
      END DO

! Do a special exchange since to avoid having three ghost points for
! high order numerical stencil.
      CALL exchange_u2d_tile (ng, Istr, Iend, Jstr, Jend,               &
     &                        Istr-3, Iend+3, Jstr-3, Jend+3,           &
     &                        DUon)
#undef I_RANGE
#undef J_RANGE
! Set vertically integrated mass fluxes DUon and DVom along the open
! boundaries in such a way that the integral volume is conserved.
      CALL set_DUV_bc_tile (ng, Istr, Iend, Jstr, Jend,                 &
     &                      LBi, UBi, LBj, UBj,                         &
     &                      krhs,                                       &
# ifdef MASKING
     &                      umask, vmask,                               &
# endif
     &                      om_v, on_u, ubar, vbar,                     &
     &                      Drhs, DUon, DVom)

Note that for a non-periodic case tile away from the north or south boundary (JstrV=Jstr), DUon is calculated for: j=Jstr-3,Jend+2 (OMP) or j=Jstr-2,Jend+2 (MPI, in which case an exchange is done to get the third point). However, in set_DUV_bc_tile, Duon is ONLY updated over: j=Jstr-1,JendR:

Code: Select all

        DO j=Jstr-1,JendR
          Duon(Istr,j)=0.5_r8*(Drhs(Istr,j)+Drhs(Istr-1,j))*            &
     &                 (ubar(Istr,j,krhs)-ubar_xs)*                     &
     &                 on_u(Istr,j)
#  ifdef MASKING
#  endif
        END DO
      END IF

Thus, DUon(i,Jstr-2) is not updated in step2d.F by set_DUV_bc_tile which (I discovered the hard way) can affect the velocities w/i JstrV,Jend by advection.

To fix this, I just changed the range of all the calculations in set_DUV_bc_tile to be just like they are in step2d.F. This includes the exchange_u2d_tile and exchange_v2d_tile (if necessary) for MPI code. I don't know if what I did is the best way to handle this, but I've attached a code snippet for you to look at.

Now (this fix combined with what I did last time), I get the same answer with:

OMP, 4 tiles, 4 processors
OMP, 4 tiles, 2 processors
OMP, 2 tiles, 2 processors
MPI, 4 tiles, 4 processors
MPI, 2 tiles, 2 processors

Let me know if you have any questions.


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#2 Unread post by arango »

Hi Mike,

Good job fixing this bug!!! I added this correction to my current verison of ROMS. It will be distributed in the next release.

Thank you, H

Hernan G. Arango

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