Base on arango reply
The plotting package is able to recognize such masked values
All ROMS plotting package files have been checked to fine where and how _Fillvalue is added in masked region. Finally I find in csec.F (which located inroms/plot/src/Drivers) following lines:
Code: Select all
Set area mask, if any.
Call areamask (s1,n)
Because I think that above post's error raised because of mixing of variable values in land and sea areas, I set LMSK=1 in csec.F file. After that calculation in sea points.
But one background appears in cross-section plots

Dear friends you were able to tell your plotting software to use a mask for anything equal to _Fillvalue I will be too pleased to know which software you use (default roms plotting (

) and also if it is possible please tell me how you defined it. i need your experience.