2014 ROMS/TOMS User Workshop
Island Hotel Istra, Rovinj, Croatia, May 26 - 29, 2014
The reduced rate hotel booking deadline of is only a few days away. Please book your hotel reservations using
this link by
February 15, 2014 because prices will be
significantly higher after that date. For example, the most basic room will cost
26 EUR more per night if booked after the deadline. The link above offers 4 hotel choices at a range of prices. If you book your stay for 4 nights or more you will receive a discounted nightly rate. Further information can be found on the
main workshop page.
The registration deadline for the
2014 ROMS/TOMS User Workshop is approaching. Registration is open until
March 7, 2014. The abstracts for oral presentations and posters are due by
April 4, 2014. To register, please log into the ROMS website and fill out the workshop
registration form. This information can be updated often so there is no need to wait until you have an abstract. If you are not already a ROMS user please fill out this
form to become a ROMS user.
For those of you who require an
invitation letter, we have prepared an editable PDF file
here. It can also be found on the
main workshop page.
NOTE: you may have to save the PDF and/or open it with Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Acrobat Reader in order to be able to enter the Name, Institution and Address fields.
All workshop information can be found
here. Further information will be posted on that site as it becomes available.
Looking forward to seeing you in Rovinj,
Organizing Committee,
Dr. Hernan G. Arango, IMCS, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, USA
Prof. John L. Wilkin, IMCS, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, USA
Prof. Andrew M. Moore,University California, Santa Cruz, CA, USA
Dr. Ivica Janekovic, Rudjer Boskovic Institute, Zagreb, Croatia