is my forcing data right?

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is my forcing data right?

#1 Unread post by shiyf »


I am preparing the forcing data from NCEP dataset which are shflux,swflux,swrad, But i am not sure it is correct,
could you help me,the data are:

swrad get from Downward Solar Radiation Flux at surface minus Upward Solar Radiation Flux

shflux get form -1.0*(net shortwave flux plus net longwaveflux plus Sensible Heat Net Flux plus Latent Heat Net Flux ) which directly download from NCEP

swflux :
% For Evaporation rate: E(m/s)=lhtfl/Llv/rho
% with lhtfl = "mean Daily Latent Heat Net Flux at surface" ;
% Llv = Latent heat of vaporization (approx to 2.5*10^6 J Kg^-1)
% rho = 1025 Kg/m^3

Llv = 2.5*10^6;
rho = 1025; % using a typical value for salty water.
E=Et*100*86400; % to convert to cm/day

Pt=ncep.prate/1000; % to convert to a rate, using 1000 Kg/m^3 as
% density of pure water.
P=Pt*100*86400; % to convert to cm/day

ncep.desc.swflux ='surface freshwater flux (E-P) cm/day (postive,net evaporation)';

and I want to know that the swrad which got through the above algorithm is the same as net shortwave radiation?

thank you very much!

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