suppress the effect of the strong wind speed

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suppress the effect of the strong wind speed

#1 Unread post by turuncu »

Hi All,

I am using the output of the regional climate model to drive the ROMS ocean model and i have a question related with the wind speed. I compared the modelled wind speed and direction with the available observational datasets such as Blended Sea Winds ( and Cross Calibrated Multi-platform Ocean Surface Winds ( It seems that model calculates the wind speed higher than the observation in some specific regions (wind directions seems reasonable). So, i just want to tune the ocean model to suppress the effect of the stronger wind ,n those regions because it effects the current speeds and the circulation in the ocean model. I just wonder what is the best way to do it? Of course, i could reduce the wind speed at certain regions to reduce the bias but honestly, i don't want to modify modelled wind speed or components even the directions stay same. So, which model parameters can be used for this purpose? Which is the most sensitive to do this kind of tuning? I would be appreciated if you share your experience with me about it.



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Re: suppress the effect of the strong wind speed

#2 Unread post by kate »

Are you using the bulk flux formulation? Do you know how much too strong the winds are? Are they consistently too strong so that you could tinker with the wind speed to reduce it?

One complaint I've heard about the default bulk flux code is that the wind stress is too high for strong winds because it was designed for the tropics where strong winds are rarer than at high latitudes.

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Re: suppress the effect of the strong wind speed

#3 Unread post by turuncu »

Thanks Kate. Yes, for standalone case i am using bulk formula but i am also planing to use the model in fully coupled mode without bulk. So, it is better to find a way to suppress the effect outside of the bulk module.

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