a problem during forcing tides

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a problem during forcing tides

#1 Unread post by Li.Ang »

Hi! I am trying to add tidal forcing to an realistic case. I have added tidal forcing into roms_frc.nc, added frcname path into .in file and add these four cpps(#define SSH_TIDES #define ADD_FSOBC #define UV_TIDES #define ADD_M2OBC)into .h file.
However, when I use ./build.bash to compiling the case. The model reports some errors.

Errors like these below:
ROMS/Bin/cpp_clean /home/lia/Projects/test4/Build/set_tides.f90
cd /home/lia/Projects/test4/Build; /public/soft/ompi133-pgi714/bin/mpif90 -c -O3 -tp k8-64 set_tides.f90
PGF90-S-0072-Assignment operation illegal to external procedure zeta_west (set_tides.f90: 221)
PGF90-W-0189-Argument number 10 to mp_boundary: association of scalar actual argument to array dummy argument (set_tides.f90: 226)
PGF90-S-0072-Assignment operation illegal to external procedure zeta_east (set_tides.f90: 231)
PGF90-W-0189-Argument number 10 to mp_boundary: association of scalar actual argument to array dummy argument (set_tides.f90: 236)
PGF90-S-0072-Assignment operation illegal to external procedure zeta_south (set_tides.f90: 241)
PGF90-W-0189-Argument number 10 to mp_boundary: association of scalar actual argument to array dummy argument (set_tides.f90: 246)
PGF90-S-0072-Assignment operation illegal to external procedure zeta_north (set_tides.f90: 251)
PGF90-W-0189-Argument number 10 to mp_boundary: association of scalar actual argument to array dummy argument (set_tides.f90: 256)
PGF90-S-0038-Symbol, zeta_west, has not been explicitly declared (set_tides.f90)
PGF90-S-0038-Symbol, zeta_east, has not been explicitly declared (set_tides.f90)
PGF90-S-0038-Symbol, zeta_south, has not been explicitly declared (set_tides.f90)
PGF90-S-0038-Symbol, zeta_north, has not been explicitly declared (set_tides.f90)
0 inform, 4 warnings, 8 severes, 0 fatal for set_tides_tile
make: *** [/home/lia/Projects/test4/Build/set_tides.o] Error 2

zeta_west, zeta_east, zeta_south, zeta_north seemed not declared in these program. By checking this program, I think EAST_FSOBC,WEST_FSOBC,NORTH_FSOBC,SOUTH_FSOBC, are not be defined. Should I add these four cpps in my .h file or is another resolution better?
Could someone give me some help? Thank you very much for your concern.

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Re: a problem during forcing tides

#2 Unread post by jcwarner »

check the type of bc's that you selected at the top of your ocean.in file. For tides it is suggested to use Flather for ubar and vbar, and Chapman for the free surface.

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Re: a problem during forcing tides

#3 Unread post by kate »

It depends on the version of the code you are running. In the old days, one would #define SOUTH_FSOBC. In the new days, one sets LBC in the ocean.in. What version do you have?

You might also want to #define ANA_FSOBC and #define ANA_M2OBC, setting the values to which the tides get added to zero.

The new code supports "Che" in addition to "Cha" for zeta LBC values, also "Shc" in addition to "Fla" for ubar/vbar LBC values. These new ones are the currently preferred options.

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