Dear all
I have ran into a problem.My result of Roms is abnormal,the temp is more high in the northern of my areas.
My is :
! Keyword Lateral Boundary Condition Type
! Cha Chapman
! Cla Clamped
! Clo Closed
! Fla Flather _____N_____ j=Mm
! Gra Gradient | 4 |
! Nes Nested | |
! Nud Nudging 1 W E 3
! Per Periodic | |
! Rad Radiation |_____S_____|
! Red Reduced Physics 2 j=1
! i=1 i=Lm
! W S E N
! e o a o
! s u s r
! t t t t
! h h
! 1 2 3 4
LBC(isFsur) == Clo Cha Cha Clo ! free-surface
LBC(isUbar) == Clo Fla Fla Clo ! 2D U-momentum
LBC(isVbar) == Clo Fla Fla Clo ! 2D V-momentum
LBC(isUvel) == Clo RadNud RadNud Clo ! 3D U-momentum
LBC(isVvel) == Clo RadNud RadNud Clo ! 3D V-momentum
LBC(isMtke) == Clo Gra Gra Clo ! mixing TKE
LBC(isTvar) == Clo RadNud RadNud Clo \ ! temperature
Clo RadNud RadNud Clo ! salinity
! Adjoint-based algorithms can have different lateral boundary
! conditions keywords.
ad_LBC(isFsur) == Clo Clo Clo Clo ! free-surface
ad_LBC(isUbar) == Clo Clo Clo Clo ! 2D U-momentum
ad_LBC(isVbar) == Clo Clo Clo Clo ! 2D U-momentum
ad_LBC(isUvel) == Clo Clo Clo Clo ! 3D U-momentum
ad_LBC(isVvel) == Clo Clo Clo Clo ! 3D V-momentum
ad_LBC(isMtke) == Clo Clo Clo Clo ! mixing TKE
ad_LBC(isTvar) == Clo Clo Clo Clo \ ! temperature
Clo Clo Clo Clo ! salinity
! Set lateral open boundary edge volume conservation switch for
! nonlinear model and adjoint-based algorithms. Usually activated
! with radiation boundary conditions to enforce global mass
! conservation, except if tidal forcing enabled. [1:Ngrids].
VolCons(west) == F ! western boundary
VolCons(east) == T ! eastern boundary
VolCons(south) == T ! southern boundary
VolCons(north) == F ! northern boundary
ad_VolCons(west) == F ! western boundary
ad_VolCons(east) == T ! eastern boundary
ad_VolCons(south) == T ! southern boundary
ad_VolCons(north) == F ! northern boundary
! Time-Stepping parameters.
NTIMES == 103680 !20 years
DT == 600.0d0
NDTFAST == 180
! Model iteration loops parameters.
ERstr = 1
ERend = 1
Nouter = 1
Ninner = 1
Nintervals = 1
! Number of eigenvalues (NEV) and eigenvectors (NCV) to compute for the
! Lanczos/Arnoldi problem in the Generalized Stability Theory (GST)
! analysis. NCV must be greater than NEV (see documentation below).
NEV = 2 ! Number of eigenvalues
NCV = 10 ! Number of eigenvectors
! Input/Output parameters.
NRREC == 0
LcycleRST == T
NRST == 51840
NSTA == 1
NFLT == 1
NINFO == 1
! Output history, average, diagnostic files parameters.
NHIS == 0
NAVG == 4320
NDEFAVG == 51840
NDIA == 0
! Output tangent linear and adjoint models parameters.
LcycleTLM == F
NTLM == 720
LcycleADJ == F
NADJ == 720
NSFF == 720
NOBC == 720
! GST output and check pointing restart parameters.
LmultiGST = F ! one eigenvector per file
LrstGST = F ! GST restart switch
MaxIterGST = 500 ! maximum number of iterations
NGST = 10 ! check pointing interval
! Relative accuracy of the Ritz values computed in the GST analysis.
Ritz_tol = 1.0d-15
! Harmonic/biharmonic horizontal diffusion of tracer for nonlinear model
! and adjoint-based algorithms: [1:NAT+NPT,Ngrids].
TNU2 == 20.0d0 20.0d0 ! m2/s
TNU4 == 2*0.0d0 ! m4/s
ad_TNU2 == 0.0d0 0.0d0 ! m2/s
ad_TNU4 == 0.0d0 0.0d0 ! m4/s
! Harmonic/biharmonic, horizontal viscosity coefficient for nonlinear model
! and adjoint-based algorithms: [Ngrids].
VISC2 == 100.0d0 ! m2/s
VISC4 == 0.0d0 ! m4/s
ad_VISC2 == 0.0d0 ! m2/s
ad_VISC4 == 0.0d0 ! m4/s
! Vertical mixing coefficients for tracers in nonlinear model and
! basic state scale factor in adjoint-based algorithms: [1:NAT+NPT,Ngrids]
AKT_BAK ==5.0d-6 5.0d-6 ! m2/s
ad_AKT_fac == 1.0d0 1.0d0 ! nondimensional
! Vertical mixing coefficient for momentum for nonlinear model and
! basic state scale factor in adjoint-based algorithms: [Ngrids].
AKV_BAK == 5.0d-5 ! m2/s
ad_AKV_fac == 1.0d0 ! nondimensional
! Turbulent closure parameters.
AKK_BAK == 5.0d-6 ! m2/s
AKP_BAK == 5.0d-6 ! m2/s
TKENU2 == 0.0d0 ! m2/s
TKENU4 == 0.0d0 ! m4/s
! Generic length-scale turbulence closure parameters.
GLS_P == 3.0d0 ! K-epsilon
GLS_M == 1.5d0
GLS_N == -1.0d0
GLS_Kmin == 7.6d-6
GLS_Pmin == 1.0d-12
GLS_CMU0 == 0.5477d0
GLS_C1 == 1.44d0
GLS_C2 == 1.92d0
GLS_C3M == -0.4d0
GLS_C3P == 1.0d0
GLS_SIGK == 1.0d0
GLS_SIGP == 1.30d0
! Constants used in surface turbulent kinetic energy flux computation.
CHARNOK_ALPHA == 1400.0d0 ! Charnok surface roughness
ZOS_HSIG_ALPHA == 0.5d0 ! roughness from wave amplitude
SZ_ALPHA == 0.25d0 ! roughness from wave dissipation
CRGBAN_CW == 100.0d0 ! Craig and Banner wave breaking
! Constants used in momentum stress computation.
RDRG == 3.0d-04 ! m/s
RDRG2 == 3.0d-03 ! nondimensional
Zob == 0.005d0 ! m
Zos == 0.02d0 ! m
! Height (m) of atmospheric measurements for Bulk fluxes parameterization.
BLK_ZQ == 2.0d0 ! air humidity
BLK_ZT == 2.0d0 ! air temperature
BLK_ZW == 10.0d0 ! winds
! Minimum depth for wetting and drying.
DCRIT == 0.10d0 ! m
! Various parameters.
WTYPE == 1
! Set vertical, terrain-following coordinates transformation equation and
! stretching function (see below for details), [1:Ngrids].
Vtransform == 2 ! transformation equation
Vstretching == 4 ! stretching function
! Vertical S-coordinates parameters (see below for details), [1:Ngrids].
THETA_S == 3.0d0 ! surface stretching parameter
THETA_B == 0.3d0 ! bottom stretching parameter
TCLINE == 100.0d0 ! critical depth (m)
! Mean Density and Brunt-Vaisala frequency.
RHO0 = 1025.0d0 ! kg/m3
BVF_BAK = 1.0d-5 ! 1/s2
! Time-stamp assigned for model initialization, reference time
! origin for tidal forcing, and model reference time for output
! NetCDF units attribute.
DSTART = 0.0d0 ! days
TIDE_START = 0.0d0 ! days
TIME_REF = -1.0d0 ! yyyymmdd.dd
! Nudging/relaxation time scales, inverse scales will be computed
! internally, [1:Ngrids].
TNUDG == 2*5.0d0 ! days
ZNUDG == 5.0d0 ! days
M2NUDG == 5.0d0 ! days
M3NUDG == 5.0d0 ! days
! Factor between passive (outflow) and active (inflow) open boundary
! conditions, [1:Ngrids]. If OBCFAC > 1, nudging on inflow is stronger
! than on outflow (recommended).
OBCFAC == 120.0d0 ! nondimensional
! Linear equation of State parameters:
R0 == 1027.0d0 ! kg/m3
T0 == 10.0d0 ! Celsius
S0 == 35.0d0 ! PSU
TCOEF == 1.7d-4 ! 1/Celsius
SCOEF == 7.6d-4 ! 1/PSU
! Slipperiness parameter: 1.0 (free slip) or -1.0 (no slip)
GAMMA2 == 1.0d0
! Logical switches (TRUE/FALSE) to specify which variables to process for
! tracer climatology: [1:NAT+NPT,Ngrids]. See glossary below for details.
!LtracerCLM == T T ! temperature, salinity, inert
!LsshCLM == T ! sea-surface height
!Lm2CLM == T ! 2D momentum
!Lm3CLM == T ! 3D momentum
! Logical switches (TRUE/FALSE) to nudge the desired climatology field(s).
!If not analytical climatology fields, users need to turn ON the logical switches
!above to process the fields from the climatology NetCDF file that are needed for nudging.
!LnudgeTCLM == T T ! temperature, salinity
!LnudgeM2CLM == T ! 2D momentum
!LnudgeM3CLM == T ! 3D momentum
! Logical switches (TRUE/FALSE) to specify which variables to consider on
! tracers point Sources/Sinks (like river runoff): [1:NAT+NPT,Ngrids].
! See glossary below for details.
LtracerSrc == F F ! temperature, salinity, inert
! Starting (DstrS) and ending (DendS) day for adjoint sensitivity forcing.
! DstrS must be less or equal to DendS. If both values are zero, their
! values are reset internally to the full range of the adjoint integration.
DstrS == 0.0d0 ! starting day
DendS == 0.0d0 ! ending day
! Starting and ending vertical levels of the 3D adjoint state variables
! whose sensitivity is required.
KstrS == 1 ! starting level
KendS == 1 ! ending level
! Logical switches (TRUE/FALSE) to specify the adjoint state variables
! whose sensitivity is required.
Lstate(isFsur) == F ! free-surface
Lstate(isUbar) == F ! 2D U-momentum
Lstate(isVbar) == F ! 2D V-momentum
Lstate(isUvel) == F ! 3D U-momentum
Lstate(isVvel) == F ! 3D V-momentum
Lstate(isTvar) == F F ! NT tracers
! Logical switches (TRUE/FALSE) to specify the state variables for
! which Forcing Singular Vectors or Stochastic Optimals is required.
Fstate(isFsur) == F ! free-surface
Fstate(isUbar) == F ! 2D U-momentum
Fstate(isVbar) == F ! 2D V-momentum
Fstate(isUvel) == F ! 3D U-momentum
Fstate(isVvel) == F ! 3D V-momentum
Fstate(isTvar) == F F ! NT tracers
Fstate(isUstr) == T ! surface U-stress
Fstate(isVstr) == T ! surface V-stress
Fstate(isTsur) == F F ! NT surface tracers flux
! Stochastic Optimals time decorrelation scale (days) assumed for
! red noise processes.
SO_decay == 2.0d0 ! days
! Stochastic Optimals surface forcing standard deviation for
! dimensionalization.
SO_sdev(isFsur) == 1.0d0 ! free-surface
SO_sdev(isUbar) == 1.0d0 ! 2D U-momentum
SO_sdev(isVbar) == 1.0d0 ! 2D V-momentum
SO_sdev(isUvel) == 1.0d0 ! 3D U-momentum
SO_sdev(isVvel) == 1.0d0 ! 3D V-momentum
SO_sdev(isTvar) == 1.0d0 1.0d0 ! NT tracers
SO_sdev(isUstr) == 1.0d0 ! surface U-stress
SO_sdev(isVstr) == 1.0d0 ! surface V-stress
SO_sdev(isTsur) == 1.0d0 1.0d0 ! NT surface tracers flux
! Logical switches (TRUE/FALSE) to activate writing of fields into
! HISTORY output file.
Hout(idUvel) == T ! u 3D U-velocity
Hout(idVvel) == T ! v 3D V-velocity
Hout(idu3dE) == T ! u_eastward 3D U-eastward at RHO-points
Hout(idv3dN) == T ! v_northward 3D V-northward at RHO-points
Hout(idWvel) == F ! w 3D W-velocity
Hout(idOvel) == F ! omega omega vertical velocity
Hout(idUbar) == F ! ubar 2D U-velocity
Hout(idVbar) == F ! vbar 2D V-velocity
Hout(idu2dE) == F ! ubar_eastward 2D U-eastward at RHO-points
Hout(idv2dN) == F ! vbar_northward 2D V-northward at RHO-points
Hout(idFsur) == T ! zeta free-surface
Hout(idBath) == F ! bath time-dependent bathymetry
Hout(idTvar) == T T ! temp, salt temperature and salinity
Hout(idUsms) == F ! sustr surface U-stress
Hout(idVsms) == F ! svstr surface V-stress
Hout(idUbms) == F ! bustr bottom U-stress
Hout(idVbms) == F ! bvstr bottom V-stress
Hout(idUbrs) == F ! bustrc bottom U-current stress
Hout(idVbrs) == F ! bvstrc bottom V-current stress
Hout(idUbws) == F ! bustrw bottom U-wave stress
Hout(idVbws) == F ! bvstrw bottom V-wave stress
Hout(idUbcs) == F ! bustrcwmax bottom max wave-current U-stress
Hout(idVbcs) == F ! bvstrcwmax bottom max wave-current V-stress
Hout(idUbot) == F ! Ubot bed wave orbital U-velocity
Hout(idVbot) == F ! Vbot bed wave orbital V-velocity
Hout(idUbur) == F ! Ur bottom U-velocity above bed
Hout(idVbvr) == F ! Vr bottom V-velocity above bed
Hout(idW2xx) == F ! Sxx_bar 2D radiation stress, Sxx component
Hout(idW2xy) == F ! Sxy_bar 2D radiation stress, Sxy component
Hout(idW2yy) == F ! Syy_bar 2D radiation stress, Syy component
Hout(idU2rs) == F ! Ubar_Rstress 2D radiation U-stress
Hout(idV2rs) == F ! Vbar_Rstress 2D radiation V-stress
Hout(idU2Sd) == F ! ubar_stokes 2D U-Stokes velocity
Hout(idV2Sd) == F ! vbar_stokes 2D V-Stokes velocity
Hout(idW3xx) == F ! Sxx 3D radiation stress, Sxx component
Hout(idW3xy) == F ! Sxy 3D radiation stress, Sxy component
Hout(idW3yy) == F ! Syy 3D radiation stress, Syy component
Hout(idW3zx) == F ! Szx 3D radiation stress, Szx component
Hout(idW3zy) == F ! Szy 3D radiation stress, Szy component
Hout(idU3rs) == F ! u_Rstress 3D U-radiation stress
Hout(idV3rs) == F ! v_Rstress 3D V-radiation stress
Hout(idU3Sd) == F ! u_stokes 3D U-Stokes velocity
Hout(idV3Sd) == F ! v_stokes 3D V-Stokes velocity
Hout(idWamp) == F ! Hwave wave height
Hout(idWlen) == F ! Lwave wave length
Hout(idWdir) == F ! Dwave wave direction
Hout(idWptp) == F ! Pwave_top wave surface period
Hout(idWpbt) == F ! Pwave_bot wave bottom period
Hout(idWorb) == F ! Ub_swan wave bottom orbital velocity
Hout(idWdis) == F ! Wave_dissip wave dissipation
Hout(idPair) == F ! Pair surface air pressure
Hout(idUair) == F ! Uair surface U-wind component
Hout(idVair) == F ! Vair surface V-wind component
Hout(idTsur) == F F ! shflux, ssflux surface net heat and salt flux
Hout(idLhea) == F ! latent latent heat flux
Hout(idShea) == F ! sensible sensible heat flux
Hout(idLrad) == F ! lwrad longwave radiation flux
Hout(idSrad) == F ! swrad shortwave radiation flux
Hout(idEmPf) == F ! EminusP E-P flux
Hout(idevap) == F ! evaporation evaporation rate
Hout(idrain) == F ! rain precipitation rate
Hout(idDano) == F ! rho density anomaly
Hout(idVvis) == F ! AKv vertical viscosity
Hout(idTdif) == F ! AKt vertical T-diffusion
Hout(idSdif) == F ! AKs vertical Salinity diffusion
Hout(idHsbl) == F ! Hsbl depth of surface boundary layer
Hout(idHbbl) == F ! Hbbl depth of bottom boundary layer
Hout(idMtke) == F ! tke turbulent kinetic energy
Hout(idMtls) == F ! gls turbulent length scale
! Logical switches (TRUE/FALSE) to activate writing of extra inert passive
! tracers other than biological and sediment tracers. An inert passive tracer
! is one that it is only advected and diffused. Other processes are ignored.
! These tracers include, for example, dyes, pollutants, oil spills, etc.
! NPT values are expected. However, these switches can be activated using
! compact parameter specification.
Hout(inert) == F ! dye_01, ... inert passive tracers
! Logical switches (TRUE/FALSE) to activate writing of exposed sediment
! layer properties into HISTORY output file. Currently, MBOTP properties
! are expected for the bottom boundary layer and/or sediment models:
! idBott( 1=isd50) grain_diameter mean grain diameter
! idBott( 2=idens) grain_density mean grain density
! idBott( 3=iwsed) settling_vel mean settling velocity
! idBott( 4=itauc) erosion_stres critical erosion stress
! idBott( 5=irlen) ripple_length ripple length
! idBott( 6=irhgt) ripple_height ripple height
! idBott( 7=ibwav) bed_wave_amp wave excursion amplitude
! idBott( 8=izdef) Zo_def default bottom roughness
! idBott( 9=izapp) Zo_app apparent bottom roughness
! idBott(10=izNik) Zo_Nik Nikuradse bottom roughness
! idBott(11=izbio) Zo_bio biological bottom roughness
! idBott(12=izbfm) Zo_bedform bed form bottom roughness
! idBott(13=izbld) Zo_bedload bed load bottom roughness
! idBott(14=izwbl) Zo_wbl wave bottom roughness
! idBott(15=iactv) active_layer_thickness active layer thickness
! idBott(16=ishgt) saltation saltation height
! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Hout(idBott) == F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F
! Logical switches (TRUE/FALSE) to activate writing of time-averaged
! fields into AVERAGE output file.
Aout(idUvel) == T ! u 3D U-velocity
Aout(idVvel) == T ! v 3D V-velocity
Aout(idu3dE) == T ! u_eastward 3D U-eastward at RHO-points
Aout(idv3dN) == T ! v_northward 3D V-northward at RHO-points
Aout(idWvel) == F ! w 3D W-velocity
Aout(idOvel) == F ! omega omega vertical velocity
Aout(idUbar) == F ! ubar 2D U-velocity
Aout(idVbar) == F ! vbar 2D V-velocity
Aout(idu2dE) == F ! ubar_eastward 2D U-eastward at RHO-points
Aout(idv2dN) == F ! vbar_northward 2D V-northward at RHO-points
Aout(idFsur) == T ! zeta free-surface
Aout(idTvar) == T T ! temp, salt temperature and salinity
Aout(idUsms) == F ! sustr surface U-stress
Aout(idVsms) == F ! svstr surface V-stress
Aout(idUbms) == F ! bustr bottom U-stress
Aout(idVbms) == F ! bvstr bottom V-stress
Aout(idW2xx) == F ! Sxx_bar 2D radiation stress, Sxx component
Aout(idW2xy) == F ! Sxy_bar 2D radiation stress, Sxy component
Aout(idW2yy) == F ! Syy_bar 2D radiation stress, Syy component
Aout(idU2rs) == F ! Ubar_Rstress 2D radiation U-stress
Aout(idV2rs) == F ! Vbar_Rstress 2D radiation V-stress
Aout(idU2Sd) == F ! ubar_stokes 2D U-Stokes velocity
Aout(idV2Sd) == F ! vbar_stokes 2D V-Stokes velocity
Aout(idW3xx) == F ! Sxx 3D radiation stress, Sxx component
Aout(idW3xy) == F ! Sxy 3D radiation stress, Sxy component
Aout(idW3yy) == F ! Syy 3D radiation stress, Syy component
Aout(idW3zx) == F ! Szx 3D radiation stress, Szx component
Aout(idW3zy) == F ! Szy 3D radiation stress, Szy component
Aout(idU3rs) == F ! u_Rstress 3D U-radiation stress
Aout(idV3rs) == F ! v_Rstress 3D V-radiation stress
Aout(idU3Sd) == F ! u_stokes 3D U-Stokes velocity
Aout(idV3Sd) == F ! v_stokes 3D V-Stokes velocity
Aout(idPair) == F ! Pair surface air pressure
Aout(idUair) == F ! Uair surface U-wind component
Aout(idVair) == F ! Vair surface V-wind component
Aout(idTsur) == T T ! shflux, ssflux surface net heat and salt flux
Aout(idLhea) == F ! latent latent heat flux
Aout(idShea) == F ! sensible sensible heat flux
Aout(idLrad) == F ! lwrad longwave radiation flux
Aout(idSrad) == F ! swrad shortwave radiation flux
Aout(idevap) == F ! evaporation evaporation rate
Aout(idrain) == F ! rain precipitation rate
Aout(idDano) == F ! rho density anomaly
Aout(idVvis) == F ! AKv vertical viscosity
Aout(idTdif) == F ! AKt vertical T-diffusion
Aout(idSdif) == F ! AKs vertical Salinity diffusion
Aout(idHsbl) == F ! Hsbl depth of surface boundary layer
Aout(idHbbl) == F ! Hbbl depth of bottom boundary layer
Aout(id2dRV) == F ! pvorticity_bar 2D relative vorticity
Aout(id3dRV) == F ! pvorticity 3D relative vorticity
Aout(id2dPV) == F ! rvorticity_bar 2D potential vorticity
Aout(id3dPV) == F ! rvorticity 3D potential vorticity
Aout(idu3dD) == F ! u_detided detided 3D U-velocity
Aout(idv3dD) == F ! v_detided detided 3D V-velocity
Aout(idu2dD) == F ! ubar_detided detided 2D U-velocity
Aout(idv2dD) == F ! vbar_detided detided 2D V-velocity
Aout(idFsuD) == F ! zeta_detided detided free-surface
Aout(idTrcD) == F F ! temp_detided, ... detided temperature and salinity
Aout(idHUav) == F ! Huon u-volume flux, Huon
Aout(idHVav) == F ! Hvom v-volume flux, Hvom
Aout(idUUav) == F ! uu quadratic <u*u> term
Aout(idUVav) == F ! uv quadratic <u*v> term
Aout(idVVav) == F ! vv quadratic <v*v> term
Aout(idU2av) == F ! ubar2 quadratic <ubar*ubar> term
Aout(idV2av) == F ! vbar2 quadratic <vbar*vbar> term
Aout(idZZav) == F ! zeta2 quadratic <zeta*zeta> term
Aout(idTTav) == F F ! temp2, ... quadratic <t*t> tracer terms
Aout(idUTav) == F F ! utemp, ... quadratic <u*t> tracer terms
Aout(idVTav) == F F ! vtemp, ... quadratic <v*t> tracer terms
Aout(iHUTav) == F F ! Huontemp, ... tracer volume flux, <Huon*t>
Aout(iHVTav) == F F ! Hvomtemp, ... tracer volume flux, <Hvom*t>
Do have any problem with this setup,such as Vertical mixing coefficient.
Then my test.h is
/**************************** Basic physics options **************************/
#define SOLVE3D
#define UV_COR
#define UV_ADV
#define UV_VIS2
#define TS_DIF2
#define SALINITY
#define MIX_GEO_TS /* mixing on geopotential (constant Z) surfaces */
#define MIX_S_UV /* use if mixing along constant S-surfaces */
#define NONLIN_EOS
/*************************** Basic numerics options **************************/
#define CURVGRID
!#define SPHERICAL
#define MASKING
#define SPLINES /* use to activate parabolic splines reconstruction */
#define TS_U3HADVECTION /* define if 3rd-order upstream horiz. advection */
#define TS_C4VADVECTION /* use if 4th-order centered vertical advection */
#define DJ_GRADPS
#define PROFILE /* use if time profiling */
/************************************ Outputs ********************************/
#define AVERAGES
/*********************** Surface and bottom boundary conditions **************/
/* Bottom boundary conditions */
#define ANA_BSFLUX /* analytical bottom salinity flux */
#define ANA_BTFLUX /* analytical bottom temperature flux */
#define UV_QDRAG /* use to turn ON or OFF linear bottom friction */
/* Surface boundary conditions */
!#define BULK_FLUXES
!#define EMINUSP
/********************* Vertical subgridscale turbulence closure ***************/
#ifdef SOLVE3D
!# define GLS_MIXING /* Activate Generic Length-Scale mixing */
!# define MY25_MIXING
# define LMD_MIXING
# ifdef LMD_MIXING
# define LMD_SKPP
!# define LMD_BKPP
# define LMD_RIMIX
# define LMD_CONVEC
!# define ANA_CLOUD /* Wilkin, J., 2006 */
!# define LMD_NONLOCAL
# endif
# ifdef MY25_MIXING
# define N2S2_HORAVG /* Activate horizontal smoothing of buoyancy/shear */
# endif
# ifdef GLS_MIXING
# define KANTHA_CLAYSON /* Kantha and Clayson stability function formulation */
# define N2S2_HORAVG /* Activate horizontal smoothing of buoyancy/shear */
# define CANUTO_A /* Canuto A-stability function formulation */
# define CANUTO_B /* Canuto B-stability function formulation */
# endif
/*********************************** Open boundary conditions ***********************/
/************************************* Biology ************************************/
#if defined BIO_FENNEL || defined ECOSIM || \
defined NPZD_POWELL || defined NEMURO
# define ANA_BIOLOGY
# define ANA_SPFLUX
# define ANA_BPFLUX
# define ANA_SRFLUX
#if defined NEMURO
# define CARBON
/********************************* Other applications *****************************/
# undef AVERAGES
# define OUT_DOUBLE
thanks in advanse.
- Posts: 42
- Joined: Fri Jul 11, 2014 3:03 pm
- Location: Hohai University
Re: My
Is this a surface heating problem or a boundary condition problem? How are you providing the surface heat fluxes? You've commented out BULK_FLUX, so you must be providing some heat flux from outside. If so, you should also provide the dQdSST term.
- Posts: 42
- Joined: Fri Jul 11, 2014 3:03 pm
- Location: Hohai University
Re: My
Hello,kate.kate wrote:Is this a surface heating problem or a boundary condition problem? How are you providing the surface heat fluxes? You've commented out BULK_FLUX, so you must be providing some heat flux from outside. If so, you should also provide the dQdSST term.
I made a forced field data by agrifroms.There are shflux,swflux,sst,sss,srflux and dQdsst.As you said,I have commented out BULK_FLUX,if I open BULK_FLUX,can the problem be solved? Or if I still commented out BULK_FLUX,how can i make the dQdSST term into my ROMS,I make '#define QCORRECTION',then i find my temp is normal,but my SSH is so little,look at the the swflux not provided into ROMS?
thanks in advance!
- Attachments
- the SSH is very very little!
- QQ图片20141010143044.jpg (78.61 KiB) Viewed 2953 times
Re: My
So you are saying:
* With QCORRECTION, SST looks good, SSH looks bad.
* Without QCORRECTION, SST looks bad, SSH looks good.
Is that right? I don't know how that could be.
* With QCORRECTION, SST looks good, SSH looks bad.
* Without QCORRECTION, SST looks bad, SSH looks good.
Is that right? I don't know how that could be.
- Posts: 42
- Joined: Fri Jul 11, 2014 3:03 pm
- Location: Hohai University
Re: My
kate,I don't mean 'Without QCORRECTION, SST looks bad, SSH looks good'.without QCORRECTION,the SST and SSH are all bad,but if with QCORRECTION,the SST looks better than without QCORRECTION,but the minimize is too small.and the SSH is like Previous figure.So i choose open SRELAXATION term,but the result looks no significant progress.kate wrote:So you are saying:
* With QCORRECTION, SST looks good, SSH looks bad.
* Without QCORRECTION, SST looks bad, SSH looks good.
Is that right? I don't know how that could be.
In my test.h,which is Missing some switch or not? do the SRELAXATION need open?what's more ,my Vertical mixing coefficients need to change bigger?
When i make my test.h like follows:
/**************************** Basic physics options **************************/
#define SOLVE3D
#define UV_COR
#define UV_ADV
#define UV_VIS2
#define TS_DIF2
#define SALINITY
#define MIX_GEO_TS /* mixing on geopotential (constant Z) surfaces */
#define MIX_S_UV /* use if mixing along constant S-surfaces */
#define VISC_GRID
#define NONLIN_EOS
/*************************** Basic numerics options **************************/
#define CURVGRID
!#define SPHERICAL
#define MASKING
#define SPLINES /* use to activate parabolic splines reconstruction */
#define TS_U3HADVECTION /* define if 3rd-order upstream horiz. advection */
#define TS_C4VADVECTION /* use if 4th-order centered vertical advection */
#define DJ_GRADPS
#define PROFILE /* use if time profiling */
/************************************ Outputs ********************************/
#define AVERAGES
/*********************** Surface and bottom boundary conditions **************/
/* Bottom boundary conditions */
#define ANA_BSFLUX /* analytical bottom salinity flux */
#define ANA_BTFLUX /* analytical bottom temperature flux */
#define UV_QDRAG /* use to turn ON or OFF linear bottom friction */
/* Surface boundary conditions */
!#define BULK_FLUXES
!#define EMINUSP
/********************* Vertical subgridscale turbulence closure ***************/
#ifdef SOLVE3D
!# define GLS_MIXING /* Activate Generic Length-Scale mixing */
!# define MY25_MIXING
# define LMD_MIXING
# ifdef LMD_MIXING
# define LMD_SKPP
!# define LMD_BKPP
# define LMD_RIMIX
# define LMD_CONVEC
!# define ANA_CLOUD /* Wilkin, J., 2006 */
!# define LMD_NONLOCAL
# endif
# ifdef MY25_MIXING
# define N2S2_HORAVG /* Activate horizontal smoothing of buoyancy/shear */
# endif
# ifdef GLS_MIXING
# define KANTHA_CLAYSON /* Kantha and Clayson stability function formulation */
# define N2S2_HORAVG /* Activate horizontal smoothing of buoyancy/shear */
# define CANUTO_A /* Canuto A-stability function formulation */
# define CANUTO_B /* Canuto B-stability function formulation */
# endif
/*********************************** Open boundary conditions ***********************/
/************************************* Biology ************************************/
#if defined BIO_FENNEL || defined ECOSIM || \
defined NPZD_POWELL || defined NEMURO
# define ANA_BIOLOGY
# define ANA_SPFLUX
# define ANA_BPFLUX
# define ANA_SRFLUX
#if defined NEMURO
# define CARBON
/********************************* Other applications *****************************/
# undef AVERAGES
# define OUT_DOUBLE
The result of my ROMS is so surprise!
kate, I created a climate state data,like forcing filed and initial filed .
Thanks a lot!
- Attachments
- the ssh is very bad.
the sst is so monstrosity,and with some islands is very small - QQ截图20141011152337.jpg (265.38 KiB) Viewed 2932 times