i am using roms in domain with one open boundary(in south) in tidal region for first time. before, i used rome in closed body without tide.
i don't know how can add tidal force to roms by some posts it seems that tide is activated by SSH_TIDES and UV_TIDES options and requires a tide harmonic forcing netcdf file.is it correct?
would you please guide me that what harmonic forcing netcdf file should contain and in which dimensions?and how can provide it?
Many thanks for any reply
Re: tide
Have you already checked the ROMS wiki and manual?
https://github.com/kshedstrom/roms_manu ... manual.pdf
The wiki and manual are usually the first thing you should check if you have questions about the basic functionality of ROMS.
Most of your question is answered in the wiki. Instead of trying to write a script that creates the necessary tidal forcing file, use the one that is in the ROMS tools package (which you usually download together with ROMS).
https://github.com/kshedstrom/roms_manu ... manual.pdf
The wiki and manual are usually the first thing you should check if you have questions about the basic functionality of ROMS.
Most of your question is answered in the wiki. Instead of trying to write a script that creates the necessary tidal forcing file, use the one that is in the ROMS tools package (which you usually download together with ROMS).