I started with the seamount example problem domain and added a West to East mean flow of 1 m/s using ana_m2obc and ana_m3obc, both enforcing a uniform inflow of 1 m/s. I have a radiation boundary condition on the Eastern edge, and closed N/S boundaries. As a sanity check, I eliminated the topography, Coriolis forcing, and surface stress to obtain what I think should just be a uniform stratified flow. I also increased the domain resolution. My output looks like this:
I've plotted the u-velocity at the E-W and N-S centerlines of the grid and run the model until it reached steady state.
I find this result surprising. Does anyone know what could cause this?
As a side note, if ROMS obtains the density as a local equation of state based on salinity and temperature, why does the input file specify a global Brunt-Vaisala frequency? Shouldn't this also be an approximately local property?