Hi, everyone!
Recently I have been working on a ROMS PROJECT. I find some confusing when running the model. The problem is that my model can run without error even my ocean_time in BRYFILE (or the bry_time) is smaller than the running time. For example, I ran the model for one year (0 to 360day), but the bry_time is only from 0 dao 30day. The model run quite well without errors.
I have analyzed the reasons:
(1) the bry_time have cycle_lenth.
I have checked the files, no attributes of "cycle_length" are defined.
(2) Maybe the openboundary conditions are not right, the bryfiles are not used?
I have renamed the bryname in the ocean.in file, the model will run with errors, saying "the bryfile is not found". Therefore, the bryfiles are actually used. By checking the logfile, I found the model read the bryfile in the first 30days normally, whereas it didnot read the bryfile from 30 to 360day.
I don't know the reason why it can run without errors? Does anyone know that?
Any suggestions will be appreciatated.
(see the logfile after Line 9450, the model did not read bryfiles, but still run.)
Confusing about the ocean_time (or bry_time) in BRYFILE
Confusing about the ocean_time (or bry_time) in BRYFILE
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Re: Confusing about the ocean_time (or bry_time) in BRYFILE
You are not using the latest ROMS version. ROMS will now check these things during initialization and die if it will run off the end of the input files.
Re: Confusing about the ocean_time (or bry_time) in BRYFILE
Thanks, Kate. Your kind reply really help me a lot!kate wrote:You are not using the latest ROMS version. ROMS will now check these things during initialization and die if it will run off the end of the input files.