Activate the SSW_BBL but the current magnitudes too small!

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Activate the SSW_BBL but the current magnitudes too small!

#1 Unread post by txu68 »


I am running a ROMS+SWAN coupled model on an idealized sloping bathymetry. By using UV_QDRAG, the current magnitudes are within the good range. But in order to account for the wave and current interaction, I have activated the SSW_BBL and SSW_CALC_ZNOT cpp options. Now the current magnitudes are way too small, resulting in small sediment transport rate. How to increase the magnitude of currents with SSW_BBL option?

Any suggestion will be really appreciated!


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Re: Activate the SSW_BBL but the current magnitudes too smal

#2 Unread post by jcwarner »

you need to look at the bottom stresses from the waves and currents separately. How big are the waves? what sediment characteristics did you set? IF the sd50 is too large, then the stresses will be very large and the currents small.

On another note - did you post a question about 1/tau_ce or something like that for the bedload computations? I thought i read a post on that, but did not answer and cant seem to find it.


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