blow up problem

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blow up problem

#1 Unread post by adundunis »

Hi. I was able to compile with no error. However, my model blows up immediately as soon as it starts. I tried several grid configurations but to no avail. Can someone provide an insight about what could have been the problem?

Aside from the grid, I configured my river discharge, tide and initial conditions input file.

Attached are the information about my run as printed on my terminal.

Another thing, if I don't have the dx, dy, lat, long, x and y data of the land cells, will it be all right to just assign "NaN" to those cells in the grid input file? I saw another grid input file which simply assigned -9999 to the lat, lon, x and y values to his land cells, but the pm and pn all have their own data. In the case of my grid, I don't. I just have those information for the water cells (my grid was converted from an EFDC grid).

What can be the best approach to this situation? Can I just fill up those land cells with NaNs? -9999s? zeros?

Thank you in advance!
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Re: blow up problem

#2 Unread post by kate »

The model wants smooth, non-zero, non-NaN values for depth (h), pm and pn, even in land. Well, the smoothness doesn't matter in land, but the zero, Nan values do. Also, this:

Code: Select all

Maximum grid stiffness ratios:  rx0 =   9.999982E-01 (Beckmann and Haidvogel)
might raise some red flags too. It's a measure of the smoothness of h. Target values vary, but I'd certainly aim for 0.4 or smaller.

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