After spending some time today browsing through the SCRIP manual, I think I should better explain the motivation of my initial question. If I understand correctly

none of the bilinear and bicubic methods take into account the sphericity, neither in SCRIP nor in ROMS. What they do is interpolate in a "logically rectangular" coordinate system (defined on a plane) onto points that don't coincide with the grid. While that's interesting and surely useful (I'd think for curvilinear coordinates), my question actually relates to whether the "initial" projection from the sphere to a plane has to be accounted for in the interpolation.
To make it clearer, consider e.g. the simplest type of "realistic" grids we use, i.e. lat-lon grids with equidistant spacing and dlat=dlon. These are not only "logically rectangular", they are practically rectangular too (after the projection from the sphere). So the procedure of determining the (i,j) coordinates of a point specified by a (lon,lat) pair is trivial (?), since both coordinate systems are equivalent. Lets say I want to interpolate onto a point that's exactly in the center of the (square) grid cell, I would do (I suppose this is bilinear):
P_c = (1/4)*(P_sw + P_se + P_ne + P_nw),
where P_c is the center point, and P_sw is the south-western corner, etc. However, in reality (on the sphere),
1) the distance between the two poleward grid points is less than the distance between the two equatorward grid points
2) Because of that, P_c is closer to the two poleward grid points
Is this true or does this not make sense? I found a post on the matlab forum ... read/58326
asking a related question, and somebody mentioned the term "spherical harmonics". Not sure what that means.