Blended SST combined data in COAWST

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Blended SST combined data in COAWST

#1 Unread post by lvazquez »

I am working with the COAWST Modelling System, and i have a doubt. When coupling WRF-ROMS, SST data from different sources to be combined allows a full coverage of fields. For this, sometimes is needed to be blended the data along the boundaries. Exist any method implemented in COAWST for this? or is necessary add it?

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Re: Blended SST combined data in COAWST

#2 Unread post by jcwarner »

WRF first uses SST data from its wrflow files. then it gathers sst from all roms grids and the scrip weights are used to determine the final sum of all the sources. all this should be taken care of. all you need to do is the scrip weights.

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