Research experience in Madeira Island

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Research experience in Madeira Island

#1 Unread post by robertson »

Research experience in Madeira Island

As part of a research project in oceanography / fluid dynamics we are looking for students and/or newly graduates from the fields of Physics, Applied Mathematics, Computer Science, Engineering and related areas. The main objective of the project is to study aspects of the vorticity generated by the atmospheric and oceanic flows, induced by Madeira Island. The sucessfull candidate should have basic knowledge of fortran programing language, preferably with some experience using atmospheric and ocean circulation models. This research grant should start between April and June 2007, and it can last a maximum of 16 months. There is a strong probability of continuing this work as part of a PhD grant. Since the numerical platform has been implemented, the research work should focus on studying the processes that generate vorticity leeward of the island. There is the possibility of participating on local oceanographic research cruises and laboratory turn-table experiments. This grant is financed by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT). For students with a bachelor degree it should pay about €750 per month. Comunication amongst researchers can be carried out in English. Prior knowledge of Portuguese is not required.

More on this project on:

For more detailed information please contact Dr. Rui Caldeira (

A PDF of the anouncement can be found here

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