I recently got back to ROMS to set up a new configuration after almost 3 years, downloading the version #854 in July this year. The previous version I used was #736, downloaded in June 2014.
I am puzzled by what I should insert as a value in NTIMES in the new version.
In the past, it has always been clear to me that NTIMES determines the timestep on which the run will end. I guess the reasons behind this choice are still listed in the official ROMS Wiki page at

In the new version NTIMES seems instead to play a different role. For example in the new get_state.F theres is a new line
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If I tracked this correctly, the changes are still present in the current trunk (#870) and were introduced with the following ticket

Is NTIMES still the timestep on which the run will end? Sorry but I could not find a message in the ROMS list about the new meaning of NTIMES and I am wondering whether or not I am getting this right.
Looking forward to your replies,
thanks in advance,