problem of running coupled SWAN+ROMS under wind forcing

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problem of running coupled SWAN+ROMS under wind forcing

#1 Unread post by okami_zxh »

Hi All,
I am using a modified inlet_test header file to run a case under wind forcing from ecwmf, but there is problem occurred, Is anybody know how to fix it ?
The out file is :
Coupled Input File name =

Model Coupling:

Ocean Model MPI nodes: 000 - 095

Waves Model MPI nodes: 096 - 159

Model Input Parameters: ROMS/TOMS version 3.7
Sunday - December 10, 2017 - 8:26:42 PM


Operating system : Linux
CPU/hardware : x86_64
Compiler system : ifort
Compiler command : /usr/share/Modules/software/RHEL-6.5/openmpi/1.8.1_intel-14.0.3_ofed-3.1/bin/mpi
Compiler flags : -heap-arrays -fp-model precise -ip -O3 -assume byterecl -I/home/zhou/COAWST/install/include -free

Input Script :

SVN Root URL : https:://
SVN Revision : exported

Local Root : /home/zhou/COAWST
Header Dir : /home/zhou/COAWST/Projects/RIS/OnlyWind
Header file : nb_rosa.h
Analytical Dir: /home/zhou/COAWST/Projects/RIS/OnlyWind

Resolution, Grid 01: 0323x0423x014, Parallel Nodes: 96, Tiling: 008x012

Physical Parameters, Grid: 01

216000 ntimes Number of timesteps for 3-D equations.
10.000 dt Timestep size (s) for 3-D equations.
20 ndtfast Number of timesteps for 2-D equations between
each 3D timestep.
1 ERstr Starting ensemble/perturbation run number.
1 ERend Ending ensemble/perturbation run number.
0 nrrec Number of restart records to read from disk.
T LcycleRST Switch to recycle time-records in restart file.
180 nRST Number of timesteps between the writing of data
into restart fields.
1 ninfo Number of timesteps between print of information
to standard output.
1 nSTA Number of timesteps between the writing of data
the stations file.
T ldefout Switch to create a new output NetCDF file(s).
180 nHIS Number of timesteps between the writing fields
into history file.
916711368 nQCK Number of timesteps between the writing fields
into quicksave file.
916711368 ndefQCK Number of timesteps between creation of new
brief snpashots files.
1 ntsAVG Starting timestep for the accumulation of output
time-averaged data.
180 nAVG Number of timesteps between the writing of
time-averaged data into averages file.
1 ntsDIA Starting timestep for the accumulation of output
time-averaged diagnostics data.
180 nDIA Number of timesteps between the writing of
time-averaged data into diagnostics file.
0.0000E+00 nl_tnu2(01) NLM Horizontal, harmonic mixing coefficient
(m2/s) for tracer 01: temp
0.0000E+00 nl_tnu2(02) NLM Horizontal, harmonic mixing coefficient
(m2/s) for tracer 02: salt
1.0000E-03 nl_visc2 NLM Horizontal, harmonic mixing coefficient
(m2/s) for momentum.
F LuvSponge Turning OFF sponge on horizontal momentum.
F LtracerSponge(01) Turning OFF sponge on tracer 01: temp
F LtracerSponge(02) Turning OFF sponge on tracer 02: salt
5.0000E-06 Akt_bak(01) Background vertical mixing coefficient (m2/s)
for tracer 01: temp
5.0000E-06 Akt_bak(02) Background vertical mixing coefficient (m2/s)
for tracer 02: salt
5.0000E-05 Akv_bak Background vertical mixing coefficient (m2/s)
for momentum.
5.0000E-06 Akk_bak Background vertical mixing coefficient (m2/s)
for turbulent energy.
5.0000E-06 Akp_bak Background vertical mixing coefficient (m2/s)
for turbulent generic statistical field.
3.000 gls_p GLS stability exponent.
1.500 gls_m GLS turbulent kinetic energy exponent.
-1.000 gls_n GLS turbulent length scale exponent.
7.6000E-06 gls_Kmin GLS minimum value of turbulent kinetic energy.
1.0000E-12 gls_Pmin GLS minimum value of dissipation.
5.4770E-01 gls_cmu0 GLS stability coefficient.
1.4400E+00 gls_c1 GLS shear production coefficient.
1.9200E+00 gls_c2 GLS dissipation coefficient.
-4.0000E-01 gls_c3m GLS stable buoyancy production coefficient.
1.0000E+00 gls_c3p GLS unstable buoyancy production coefficient.
1.0000E+00 gls_sigk GLS constant Schmidt number for TKE.
1.3000E+00 gls_sigp GLS constant Schmidt number for PSI.
1400.000 charnok_alpha Charnok factor for Zos calculation.
0.500 zos_hsig_alpha Factor for Zos calculation using Hsig(Awave).
0.250 sz_alpha Factor for Wave dissipation surface tke flux .
100.000 crgban_cw Factor for Craig/Banner surface tke flux.
0.000 wec_alpha WEC factor for roller/breaking energy distribution.
3.0000E-04 rdrg Linear bottom drag coefficient (m/s).
2.5000E-02 rdrg2 Quadratic bottom drag coefficient.
1.5000E-02 Zob Bottom roughness (m).
5.0000E-01 Zos Surface roughness (m).
2 Vtransform S-coordinate transformation equation.
4 Vstretching S-coordinate stretching function.
2.0000E+00 theta_s S-coordinate surface control parameter.
2.0000E-01 theta_b S-coordinate bottom control parameter.
100.000 Tcline S-coordinate surface/bottom layer width (m) used
in vertical coordinate stretching.
1025.000 rho0 Mean density (kg/m3) for Boussinesq approximation.
250.000 dstart Time-stamp assigned to model initialization (days).
19990101.00 time_ref Reference time for units attribute (yyyymmdd.dd)
0.0000E+00 Tnudg(01) Nudging/relaxation time scale (days)
for tracer 01: temp
0.0000E+00 Tnudg(02) Nudging/relaxation time scale (days)
for tracer 02: salt
9.0000E+01 Tnudg_SSS Nudging/relaxation time scale (days)
for sea surface salinity.
0.0000E+00 Znudg Nudging/relaxation time scale (days)
for free-surface.
0.0000E+00 M2nudg Nudging/relaxation time scale (days)
for 2D momentum.
0.0000E+00 M3nudg Nudging/relaxation time scale (days)
for 3D momentum.
0.0000E+00 obcfac Factor between passive and active
open boundary conditions.
F VolCons(1) NLM western edge boundary volume conservation.
F VolCons(2) NLM southern edge boundary volume conservation.
F VolCons(3) NLM eastern edge boundary volume conservation.
F VolCons(4) NLM northern edge boundary volume conservation.
14.000 T0 Background potential temperature (C) constant.
35.000 S0 Background salinity (PSU) constant.
1027.000 R0 Background density (kg/m3) used in linear Equation
of State.
1.7000E-04 Tcoef Thermal expansion coefficient (1/Celsius).
7.6000E-04 Scoef Saline contraction coefficient (1/PSU).
1.000 gamma2 Slipperiness variable: free-slip (1.0) or
no-slip (-1.0).
F LuvSrc Turning OFF momentum point Sources/Sinks.
F LwSrc Turning OFF volume influx point Sources/Sinks.
F LtracerSrc(01) Turning OFF point Sources/Sinks on tracer 01: temp
F LtracerSrc(02) Turning OFF point Sources/Sinks on tracer 02: salt
F LsshCLM Turning OFF processing of SSH climatology.
F Lm2CLM Turning OFF processing of 2D momentum climatology.
F Lm3CLM Turning OFF processing of 3D momentum climatology.
F LtracerCLM(01) Turning OFF processing of climatology tracer 01: temp
F LtracerCLM(02) Turning OFF processing of climatology tracer 02: salt
F LnudgeM2CLM Turning OFF nudging of 2D momentum climatology.
F LnudgeM3CLM Turning OFF nudging of 3D momentum climatology.
F LnudgeTCLM(01) Turning OFF nudging of climatology tracer 01: temp
F LnudgeTCLM(02) Turning OFF nudging of climatology tracer 02: salt

T Hout(idBath) Write out time-dependent bathymetry.
T Hout(idFsur) Write out free-surface.
T Hout(idUbar) Write out 2D U-momentum component.
T Hout(idVbar) Write out 2D V-momentum component.
T Hout(idUvel) Write out 3D U-momentum component.
T Hout(idVvel) Write out 3D V-momentum component.
T Hout(idWvel) Write out W-momentum component.
T Hout(idTvar) Write out tracer 01: temp
T Hout(idTvar) Write out tracer 02: salt
T Hout(idpthR) Write out time-varying dephts of RHO-points.
T Hout(idpthU) Write out time-varying dephts of U-points.
T Hout(idpthV) Write out time-varying dephts of V-points.
T Hout(idpthW) Write out time-varying dephts of W-points.
T Hout(idUbms) Write out bottom U-momentum stress.
T Hout(idVbms) Write out bottom V-momentum stress.
T Hout(idUbrs) Write out bottom U-current stress.
T Hout(idVbrs) Write out bottom V-current stress.
T Hout(idUbws) Write out wind-induced, bottom U-wave stress.
T Hout(idVbws) Write out wind-induced, bottom V-wave stress.
T Hout(idUbcs) Write out max wind + current, bottom U-wave stress.
T Hout(idVbcs) Write out max wind + current, bottom V-wave stress.
T Hout(idUVwc) Write out max wind + current, bottom UV-wave stress.
T Hout(idUbot) Write out bed wave orbital U-velocity.
T Hout(idVbot) Write out bed wave orbital V-velocity.
T Hout(idUbur) Write out bottom U-momentum above bed.
T Hout(idVbvr) Write out bottom V-momentum above bed.
T Hout(idW2xx) Write out 2D radiation stress, Sxx.
T Hout(idW2xy) Write out 2D radiation stress, Sxy.
T Hout(idW2yy) Write out 2D radiation stress, Syy.
T Hout(idU3Sd) Write out 3D u-momentum stokes velocity.
T Hout(idV3Sd) Write out 3D v-momentum stokes velocity.
T Hout(idWztw) Write out WEC quasi-static sea level adjustment.
T Hout(idWamp) Write out wave height.
T Hout(idWlen) Write out wavelength.
T Hout(idWdir) Write out wave direction.
T Hout(idWorb) Write out wave bottom orbital velocity.
T Hout(idUwav) Wave-avg surface u-velocity.
T Hout(idVwav) Wave-avg surface v-velocity.
T Hout(idTsur) Write out surface net heat flux.
T Hout(idTsur) Write out surface net salt flux.
T Hout(idVvis) Write out vertical viscosity: AKv.

T Qout(idBath) Write out time-dependent bathymetry.
T Qout(idFsur) Write out free-surface.
T Qout(idUbar) Write out 2D U-momentum component.
T Qout(idVbar) Write out 2D V-momentum component.
T Qout(idu2dE) Write out 2D U-eastward at RHO-points.
T Qout(idv2dN) Write out 2D V-northward at RHO-points.
T Qout(idUsur) Write out surface U-momentum component.
T Qout(idVsur) Write out surface V-momentum component.
T Qout(idTvar) Write out tracer 01: temp
T Qout(idTvar) Write out tracer 02: salt
T Qout(idsurT) Write out surface tracer 01: temp_sur
T Qout(idsurT) Write out surface tracer 02: salt_sur

T Dout(M2sstr) Write out 2D momentum surface stress.
T Dout(M2bstr) Write out 2D momentum bottom stress.

Output/Input Files:

Output Restart File: /projects/storm_surge/DHS/zhou/RIS/OnlyWind/
Output History File: /projects/storm_surge/DHS/zhou/RIS/OnlyWind/
Output Averages File: /projects/storm_surge/DHS/zhou/RIS/OnlyWind/
Output Diagnostics File: /projects/storm_surge/DHS/zhou/RIS/OnlyWind/
Output Stations File: /projects/storm_surge/DHS/zhou/RIS/OnlyWind/
Physical parameters File:
Input Grid File: /home/zhou/COAWST/Projects/RIS/data/
Input Forcing File 01: /home/zhou/COAWST/Projects/RIS/data/
Input Forcing File 02: /home/zhou/COAWST/Projects/RIS/data/
Input Forcing File 03: /home/zhou/COAWST/Projects/RIS/data/
Input Forcing File 04: /home/zhou/COAWST/Projects/RIS/data/
Input Forcing File 05: /home/zhou/COAWST/Projects/RIS/data/
Station positions File: /home/zhou/COAWST/Projects/RIS/

Tile partition information for Grid 01: 0323x0423x0014 tiling: 008x012

tile Istr Iend Jstr Jend Npts

Number of tracers: 6
0 1 39 1 32 17472
1 40 80 1 32 18368
2 81 121 1 32 18368
3 122 162 1 32 18368
4 163 203 1 32 18368
5 204 244 1 32 18368
6 245 285 1 32 18368
7 286 323 1 32 17024
8 1 39 33 68 19656
9 40 80 33 68 20664
10 81 121 33 68 20664
11 122 162 33 68 20664
12 163 203 33 68 20664
13 204 244 33 68 20664
14 245 285 33 68 20664
15 286 323 33 68 19152
16 1 39 69 104 19656
17 40 80 69 104 20664
18 81 121 69 104 20664
19 122 162 69 104 20664
20 163 203 69 104 20664
21 204 244 69 104 20664
22 245 285 69 104 20664
23 286 323 69 104 19152
24 1 39 105 140 19656
25 40 80 105 140 20664
26 81 121 105 140 20664
27 122 162 105 140 20664
28 163 203 105 140 20664
29 204 244 105 140 20664
30 245 285 105 140 20664
31 286 323 105 140 19152
32 1 39 141 176 19656
33 40 80 141 176 20664
34 81 121 141 176 20664
35 122 162 141 176 20664
36 163 203 141 176 20664
37 204 244 141 176 20664
38 245 285 141 176 20664
39 286 323 141 176 19152
40 1 39 177 212 19656
41 40 80 177 212 20664
42 81 121 177 212 20664
43 122 162 177 212 20664
44 163 203 177 212 20664
45 204 244 177 212 20664
46 245 285 177 212 20664
47 286 323 177 212 19152
48 1 39 213 248 19656
49 40 80 213 248 20664
50 81 121 213 248 20664
51 122 162 213 248 20664
52 163 203 213 248 20664
53 204 244 213 248 20664
54 245 285 213 248 20664
55 286 323 213 248 19152
56 1 39 249 284 19656
57 40 80 249 284 20664
58 81 121 249 284 20664
59 122 162 249 284 20664
60 163 203 249 284 20664
61 204 244 249 284 20664
62 245 285 249 284 20664
63 286 323 249 284 19152
64 1 39 285 320 19656
65 40 80 285 320 20664
66 81 121 285 320 20664
67 122 162 285 320 20664
68 163 203 285 320 20664
69 204 244 285 320 20664
70 245 285 285 320 20664
71 286 323 285 320 19152
72 1 39 321 356 19656
73 40 80 321 356 20664
74 81 121 321 356 20664
75 122 162 321 356 20664
76 163 203 321 356 20664
77 204 244 321 356 20664
78 245 285 321 356 20664
79 286 323 321 356 19152
80 1 39 357 392 19656
81 40 80 357 392 20664
82 81 121 357 392 20664
83 122 162 357 392 20664
84 163 203 357 392 20664
85 204 244 357 392 20664
86 245 285 357 392 20664
87 286 323 357 392 19152
88 1 39 393 423 16926
89 40 80 393 423 17794
90 81 121 393 423 17794
91 122 162 393 423 17794
92 163 203 393 423 17794
93 204 244 393 423 17794
94 245 285 393 423 17794
95 286 323 393 423 16492

Tile minimum and maximum fractional coordinates for Grid 01:
(interior points only)

tile Xmin Xmax Ymin Ymax grid

0 0.50 39.50 0.50 32.50 RHO-points
1 39.50 80.50 0.50 32.50 RHO-points
2 80.50 121.50 0.50 32.50 RHO-points
3 121.50 162.50 0.50 32.50 RHO-points
4 162.50 203.50 0.50 32.50 RHO-points
5 203.50 244.50 0.50 32.50 RHO-points
6 244.50 285.50 0.50 32.50 RHO-points
7 285.50 323.50 0.50 32.50 RHO-points
8 0.50 39.50 32.50 68.50 RHO-points
9 39.50 80.50 32.50 68.50 RHO-points
10 80.50 121.50 32.50 68.50 RHO-points
11 121.50 162.50 32.50 68.50 RHO-points
12 162.50 203.50 32.50 68.50 RHO-points
13 203.50 244.50 32.50 68.50 RHO-points
14 244.50 285.50 32.50 68.50 RHO-points
15 285.50 323.50 32.50 68.50 RHO-points
16 0.50 39.50 68.50 104.50 RHO-points
17 39.50 80.50 68.50 104.50 RHO-points
18 80.50 121.50 68.50 104.50 RHO-points
19 121.50 162.50 68.50 104.50 RHO-points
20 162.50 203.50 68.50 104.50 RHO-points
21 203.50 244.50 68.50 104.50 RHO-points
22 244.50 285.50 68.50 104.50 RHO-points
23 285.50 323.50 68.50 104.50 RHO-points
24 0.50 39.50 104.50 140.50 RHO-points
25 39.50 80.50 104.50 140.50 RHO-points
26 80.50 121.50 104.50 140.50 RHO-points
27 121.50 162.50 104.50 140.50 RHO-points
28 162.50 203.50 104.50 140.50 RHO-points
29 203.50 244.50 104.50 140.50 RHO-points
30 244.50 285.50 104.50 140.50 RHO-points
31 285.50 323.50 104.50 140.50 RHO-points
32 0.50 39.50 140.50 176.50 RHO-points
33 39.50 80.50 140.50 176.50 RHO-points
34 80.50 121.50 140.50 176.50 RHO-points
35 121.50 162.50 140.50 176.50 RHO-points
36 162.50 203.50 140.50 176.50 RHO-points
37 203.50 244.50 140.50 176.50 RHO-points
38 244.50 285.50 140.50 176.50 RHO-points
39 285.50 323.50 140.50 176.50 RHO-points
40 0.50 39.50 176.50 212.50 RHO-points
41 39.50 80.50 176.50 212.50 RHO-points
42 80.50 121.50 176.50 212.50 RHO-points
43 121.50 162.50 176.50 212.50 RHO-points
44 162.50 203.50 176.50 212.50 RHO-points
45 203.50 244.50 176.50 212.50 RHO-points
46 244.50 285.50 176.50 212.50 RHO-points
47 285.50 323.50 176.50 212.50 RHO-points
48 0.50 39.50 212.50 248.50 RHO-points
49 39.50 80.50 212.50 248.50 RHO-points
50 80.50 121.50 212.50 248.50 RHO-points
51 121.50 162.50 212.50 248.50 RHO-points
52 162.50 203.50 212.50 248.50 RHO-points
53 203.50 244.50 212.50 248.50 RHO-points
54 244.50 285.50 212.50 248.50 RHO-points
55 285.50 323.50 212.50 248.50 RHO-points
56 0.50 39.50 248.50 284.50 RHO-points
57 39.50 80.50 248.50 284.50 RHO-points
58 80.50 121.50 248.50 284.50 RHO-points
59 121.50 162.50 248.50 284.50 RHO-points
60 162.50 203.50 248.50 284.50 RHO-points
61 203.50 244.50 248.50 284.50 RHO-points
62 244.50 285.50 248.50 284.50 RHO-points
63 285.50 323.50 248.50 284.50 RHO-points
64 0.50 39.50 284.50 320.50 RHO-points
65 39.50 80.50 284.50 320.50 RHO-points
66 80.50 121.50 284.50 320.50 RHO-points
67 121.50 162.50 284.50 320.50 RHO-points
68 162.50 203.50 284.50 320.50 RHO-points
69 203.50 244.50 284.50 320.50 RHO-points
70 244.50 285.50 284.50 320.50 RHO-points
71 285.50 323.50 284.50 320.50 RHO-points
72 0.50 39.50 320.50 356.50 RHO-points
73 39.50 80.50 320.50 356.50 RHO-points
74 80.50 121.50 320.50 356.50 RHO-points
75 121.50 162.50 320.50 356.50 RHO-points
76 162.50 203.50 320.50 356.50 RHO-points
77 203.50 244.50 320.50 356.50 RHO-points
78 244.50 285.50 320.50 356.50 RHO-points
79 285.50 323.50 320.50 356.50 RHO-points
80 0.50 39.50 356.50 392.50 RHO-points
81 39.50 80.50 356.50 392.50 RHO-points
82 80.50 121.50 356.50 392.50 RHO-points
83 121.50 162.50 356.50 392.50 RHO-points
84 162.50 203.50 356.50 392.50 RHO-points
85 203.50 244.50 356.50 392.50 RHO-points
86 244.50 285.50 356.50 392.50 RHO-points
87 285.50 323.50 356.50 392.50 RHO-points
88 0.50 39.50 392.50 423.50 RHO-points
89 39.50 80.50 392.50 423.50 RHO-points
90 80.50 121.50 392.50 423.50 RHO-points
91 121.50 162.50 392.50 423.50 RHO-points
92 162.50 203.50 392.50 423.50 RHO-points
93 203.50 244.50 392.50 423.50 RHO-points
94 244.50 285.50 392.50 423.50 RHO-points
95 285.50 323.50 392.50 423.50 RHO-points

0 1.00 39.50 0.50 32.50 U-points
1 39.50 80.50 0.50 32.50 U-points
2 80.50 121.50 0.50 32.50 U-points
3 121.50 162.50 0.50 32.50 U-points
4 162.50 203.50 0.50 32.50 U-points
5 203.50 244.50 0.50 32.50 U-points
6 244.50 285.50 0.50 32.50 U-points
7 285.50 323.00 0.50 32.50 U-points
8 1.00 39.50 32.50 68.50 U-points
9 39.50 80.50 32.50 68.50 U-points
10 80.50 121.50 32.50 68.50 U-points
11 121.50 162.50 32.50 68.50 U-points
12 162.50 203.50 32.50 68.50 U-points
13 203.50 244.50 32.50 68.50 U-points
14 244.50 285.50 32.50 68.50 U-points
15 285.50 323.00 32.50 68.50 U-points
16 1.00 39.50 68.50 104.50 U-points
17 39.50 80.50 68.50 104.50 U-points
18 80.50 121.50 68.50 104.50 U-points
19 121.50 162.50 68.50 104.50 U-points
20 162.50 203.50 68.50 104.50 U-points
21 203.50 244.50 68.50 104.50 U-points
22 244.50 285.50 68.50 104.50 U-points
23 285.50 323.00 68.50 104.50 U-points
24 1.00 39.50 104.50 140.50 U-points
25 39.50 80.50 104.50 140.50 U-points
26 80.50 121.50 104.50 140.50 U-points
27 121.50 162.50 104.50 140.50 U-points
28 162.50 203.50 104.50 140.50 U-points
29 203.50 244.50 104.50 140.50 U-points
30 244.50 285.50 104.50 140.50 U-points
31 285.50 323.00 104.50 140.50 U-points
32 1.00 39.50 140.50 176.50 U-points
33 39.50 80.50 140.50 176.50 U-points
34 80.50 121.50 140.50 176.50 U-points
35 121.50 162.50 140.50 176.50 U-points
36 162.50 203.50 140.50 176.50 U-points
37 203.50 244.50 140.50 176.50 U-points
38 244.50 285.50 140.50 176.50 U-points
39 285.50 323.00 140.50 176.50 U-points
40 1.00 39.50 176.50 212.50 U-points
41 39.50 80.50 176.50 212.50 U-points
42 80.50 121.50 176.50 212.50 U-points
43 121.50 162.50 176.50 212.50 U-points
44 162.50 203.50 176.50 212.50 U-points
45 203.50 244.50 176.50 212.50 U-points
46 244.50 285.50 176.50 212.50 U-points
47 285.50 323.00 176.50 212.50 U-points
48 1.00 39.50 212.50 248.50 U-points
49 39.50 80.50 212.50 248.50 U-points
50 80.50 121.50 212.50 248.50 U-points
51 121.50 162.50 212.50 248.50 U-points
52 162.50 203.50 212.50 248.50 U-points
53 203.50 244.50 212.50 248.50 U-points
54 244.50 285.50 212.50 248.50 U-points
55 285.50 323.00 212.50 248.50 U-points
56 1.00 39.50 248.50 284.50 U-points
57 39.50 80.50 248.50 284.50 U-points
58 80.50 121.50 248.50 284.50 U-points
59 121.50 162.50 248.50 284.50 U-points
60 162.50 203.50 248.50 284.50 U-points
61 203.50 244.50 248.50 284.50 U-points
62 244.50 285.50 248.50 284.50 U-points
63 285.50 323.00 248.50 284.50 U-points
64 1.00 39.50 284.50 320.50 U-points
65 39.50 80.50 284.50 320.50 U-points
66 80.50 121.50 284.50 320.50 U-points
67 121.50 162.50 284.50 320.50 U-points
68 162.50 203.50 284.50 320.50 U-points
69 203.50 244.50 284.50 320.50 U-points
70 244.50 285.50 284.50 320.50 U-points
71 285.50 323.00 284.50 320.50 U-points
72 1.00 39.50 320.50 356.50 U-points
73 39.50 80.50 320.50 356.50 U-points
74 80.50 121.50 320.50 356.50 U-points
75 121.50 162.50 320.50 356.50 U-points
76 162.50 203.50 320.50 356.50 U-points
77 203.50 244.50 320.50 356.50 U-points
78 244.50 285.50 320.50 356.50 U-points
79 285.50 323.00 320.50 356.50 U-points
80 1.00 39.50 356.50 392.50 U-points
81 39.50 80.50 356.50 392.50 U-points
82 80.50 121.50 356.50 392.50 U-points
83 121.50 162.50 356.50 392.50 U-points
84 162.50 203.50 356.50 392.50 U-points
85 203.50 244.50 356.50 392.50 U-points
86 244.50 285.50 356.50 392.50 U-points
87 285.50 323.00 356.50 392.50 U-points
88 1.00 39.50 392.50 423.50 U-points
89 39.50 80.50 392.50 423.50 U-points
90 80.50 121.50 392.50 423.50 U-points
91 121.50 162.50 392.50 423.50 U-points
92 162.50 203.50 392.50 423.50 U-points
93 203.50 244.50 392.50 423.50 U-points
94 244.50 285.50 392.50 423.50 U-points
95 285.50 323.00 392.50 423.50 U-points

0 0.50 39.50 1.00 32.50 V-points
1 39.50 80.50 1.00 32.50 V-points
2 80.50 121.50 1.00 32.50 V-points
3 121.50 162.50 1.00 32.50 V-points
4 162.50 203.50 1.00 32.50 V-points
5 203.50 244.50 1.00 32.50 V-points
6 244.50 285.50 1.00 32.50 V-points
7 285.50 323.50 1.00 32.50 V-points
8 0.50 39.50 32.50 68.50 V-points
9 39.50 80.50 32.50 68.50 V-points
10 80.50 121.50 32.50 68.50 V-points
11 121.50 162.50 32.50 68.50 V-points
12 162.50 203.50 32.50 68.50 V-points
13 203.50 244.50 32.50 68.50 V-points
14 244.50 285.50 32.50 68.50 V-points
15 285.50 323.50 32.50 68.50 V-points
16 0.50 39.50 68.50 104.50 V-points
17 39.50 80.50 68.50 104.50 V-points
18 80.50 121.50 68.50 104.50 V-points
19 121.50 162.50 68.50 104.50 V-points
20 162.50 203.50 68.50 104.50 V-points
21 203.50 244.50 68.50 104.50 V-points
22 244.50 285.50 68.50 104.50 V-points
23 285.50 323.50 68.50 104.50 V-points
24 0.50 39.50 104.50 140.50 V-points
25 39.50 80.50 104.50 140.50 V-points
26 80.50 121.50 104.50 140.50 V-points
27 121.50 162.50 104.50 140.50 V-points
28 162.50 203.50 104.50 140.50 V-points
29 203.50 244.50 104.50 140.50 V-points
30 244.50 285.50 104.50 140.50 V-points
31 285.50 323.50 104.50 140.50 V-points
32 0.50 39.50 140.50 176.50 V-points
33 39.50 80.50 140.50 176.50 V-points
34 80.50 121.50 140.50 176.50 V-points
35 121.50 162.50 140.50 176.50 V-points
36 162.50 203.50 140.50 176.50 V-points
37 203.50 244.50 140.50 176.50 V-points
38 244.50 285.50 140.50 176.50 V-points
39 285.50 323.50 140.50 176.50 V-points
40 0.50 39.50 176.50 212.50 V-points
41 39.50 80.50 176.50 212.50 V-points
42 80.50 121.50 176.50 212.50 V-points
43 121.50 162.50 176.50 212.50 V-points
44 162.50 203.50 176.50 212.50 V-points
45 203.50 244.50 176.50 212.50 V-points
46 244.50 285.50 176.50 212.50 V-points
47 285.50 323.50 176.50 212.50 V-points
48 0.50 39.50 212.50 248.50 V-points
49 39.50 80.50 212.50 248.50 V-points
50 80.50 121.50 212.50 248.50 V-points
51 121.50 162.50 212.50 248.50 V-points
52 162.50 203.50 212.50 248.50 V-points
53 203.50 244.50 212.50 248.50 V-points
54 244.50 285.50 212.50 248.50 V-points
55 285.50 323.50 212.50 248.50 V-points
56 0.50 39.50 248.50 284.50 V-points
57 39.50 80.50 248.50 284.50 V-points
58 80.50 121.50 248.50 284.50 V-points
59 121.50 162.50 248.50 284.50 V-points
60 162.50 203.50 248.50 284.50 V-points
61 203.50 244.50 248.50 284.50 V-points
62 244.50 285.50 248.50 284.50 V-points
63 285.50 323.50 248.50 284.50 V-points
64 0.50 39.50 284.50 320.50 V-points
65 39.50 80.50 284.50 320.50 V-points
66 80.50 121.50 284.50 320.50 V-points
67 121.50 162.50 284.50 320.50 V-points
68 162.50 203.50 284.50 320.50 V-points
69 203.50 244.50 284.50 320.50 V-points
70 244.50 285.50 284.50 320.50 V-points
71 285.50 323.50 284.50 320.50 V-points
72 0.50 39.50 320.50 356.50 V-points
73 39.50 80.50 320.50 356.50 V-points
74 80.50 121.50 320.50 356.50 V-points
75 121.50 162.50 320.50 356.50 V-points
76 162.50 203.50 320.50 356.50 V-points
77 203.50 244.50 320.50 356.50 V-points
78 244.50 285.50 320.50 356.50 V-points
79 285.50 323.50 320.50 356.50 V-points
80 0.50 39.50 356.50 392.50 V-points
81 39.50 80.50 356.50 392.50 V-points
82 80.50 121.50 356.50 392.50 V-points
83 121.50 162.50 356.50 392.50 V-points
84 162.50 203.50 356.50 392.50 V-points
85 203.50 244.50 356.50 392.50 V-points
86 244.50 285.50 356.50 392.50 V-points
87 285.50 323.50 356.50 392.50 V-points
88 0.50 39.50 392.50 423.00 V-points
89 39.50 80.50 392.50 423.00 V-points
90 80.50 121.50 392.50 423.00 V-points
91 121.50 162.50 392.50 423.00 V-points
92 162.50 203.50 392.50 423.00 V-points
93 203.50 244.50 392.50 423.00 V-points
94 244.50 285.50 392.50 423.00 V-points
95 285.50 323.50 392.50 423.00 V-points

Maximum halo size in XI and ETA directions:

HaloSizeI(1) = 106
HaloSizeJ(1) = 96
TileSide(1) = 47
TileSize(1) = 1974

Sediment Parameters, Grid: 01

Size Sd50 Csed Srho Wsed Erate poros
Class (mm) (kg/m3) (kg/m3) (mm/s) (kg/m2/s) (nondim)

1 4.0000E-02 0.0000E+00 2.6500E+03 1.0000E-01 6.0000E-03 0.0000E+00
2 3.0000E-02 0.0000E+00 2.6500E+03 6.0000E-01 6.0000E-03 0.0000E+00
3 6.2500E-02 0.0000E+00 2.6500E+03 2.0000E+00 5.0000E-04 5.0000E-01
4 1.4000E-01 0.0000E+00 2.6500E+03 8.0000E+00 5.0000E-04 5.0000E-01

tau_ce tau_cd nl_tnu2 nl_tnu4 Akt_bak Tnudg
(N/m2) (N/m2) (m2/s) (m4/s) (m2/s) (day)

1 5.0000E-02 1.0000E-02 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 5.0000E-06 0.0000E+00
2 5.0000E-02 1.0000E-02 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 5.0000E-06 0.0000E+00
3 1.0000E-01 1.0000E-01 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 5.0000E-06 0.0000E+00
4 1.0000E-01 1.0000E-01 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 5.0000E-06 0.0000E+00


1 1.0000E+01
2 1.0000E+01
3 1.0000E+00
4 1.0000E+00

New bed layer formed when deposition exceeds 0.50000E-02 (m).
Two first layers are combined when 2nd layer smaller than 0.00000E+00 (m).
Rate coefficient for bed load transport = 0.50000E-01

F LtracerSponge(03Turning OFF sponge on tracer 03: mud_01
F LtracerSponge(04Turning OFF sponge on tracer 04: mud_02
F LtracerSponge(05Turning OFF sponge on tracer 05: sand_01
F LtracerSponge(06Turning OFF sponge on tracer 06: sand_02
F LtracerSrc(03) Turning OFF point sources/Sink on tracer 03: mud_01
F LtracerSrc(04) Turning OFF point sources/Sink on tracer 04: mud_02
F LtracerSrc(05) Turning OFF point sources/Sink on tracer 05: sand_01
F LtracerSrc(06) Turning OFF point sources/Sink on tracer 06: sand_02
F LtracerCLM(03) Turning OFF processing of climatology tracer 03: mud_01
F LtracerCLM(04) Turning OFF processing of climatology tracer 04: mud_02
F LtracerCLM(05) Turning OFF processing of climatology tracer 05: sand_01
F LtracerCLM(06) Turning OFF processing of climatology tracer 06: sand_02
F LnudgeTCLM(03) Turning OFF nudging of climatology tracer 03: mud_01
F LnudgeTCLM(04) Turning OFF nudging of climatology tracer 04: mud_02
F LnudgeTCLM(05) Turning OFF nudging of climatology tracer 05: sand_01
F LnudgeTCLM(06) Turning OFF nudging of climatology tracer 06: sand_02

T Hout(idTvar) Write out sediment01: mud_01
T Hout(idTvar) Write out sediment02: mud_02
T Hout(idTvar) Write out sediment03: sand_01
T Hout(idTvar) Write out sediment04: sand_02
T Hout(idfrac) Write out bed fraction, sediment 01: mudfrac_01
T Hout(idfrac) Write out bed fraction, sediment 02: mudfrac_02
T Hout(idfrac) Write out bed fraction, sediment 03: sandfrac_01
T Hout(idfrac) Write out bed fraction, sediment 04: sandfrac_02
T Hout(idfrac) Write out mass, sediment 01: mudmass_01
T Hout(idfrac) Write out mass, sediment 02: mudmass_02
T Hout(idfrac) Write out mass, sediment 03: sandmass_01
T Hout(idfrac) Write out mass, sediment 04: sandmass_02
T Hout(idSbed) Write out BED property 01: bed_thickness
T Hout(idSbed) Write out BED property 02: bed_age
T Hout(idSbed) Write out BED property 03: bed_porosity
T Hout(idSbed) Write out BED property 04: bed_biodiff
T Hout(idBott) Write out BOTTOM property 01: grain_diameter
T Hout(idBott) Write out BOTTOM property 02: grain_density
T Hout(idBott) Write out BOTTOM property 03: settling_vel
T Hout(idBott) Write out BOTTOM property 04: erosion_stress
T Hout(idBott) Write out BOTTOM property 05: ripple_length
T Hout(idBott) Write out BOTTOM property 06: ripple_height
T Hout(idBott) Write out BOTTOM property 07: bed_wave_amp
T Hout(idBott) Write out BOTTOM property 08: Zo_def
T Hout(idBott) Write out BOTTOM property 09: Zo_app
T Hout(idBott) Write out BOTTOM property 15: active_layer_thickness
T Hout(idBott) Write out BOTTOM property 17: bed_inund_depth
T Hout(idBott) Write out BOTTOM property 18: dep_net

T Aout(idTvar) Write out averaged sediment03: sand_01
T Aout(idTvar) Write out averaged sediment04: sand_02
T Aout(idTTav) Write out averaged <t*t> for tracer 05: sand_01
T Aout(idTTav) Write out averaged <t*t> for tracer 06: sand_02
T Aout(idUTav) Write out averaged <u*t> for tracer 05: sand_01
T Aout(idUTav) Write out averaged <u*t> for tracer 06: sand_02
T Aout(idVTav) Write out averaged <v*t> for tracer 05: sand_01
T Aout(idVTav) Write out averaged <v*t> for tracer 06: sand_02
T Aout(iHUTav) Write out averaged <Huon*t> for tracer 05: sand_01
T Aout(iHUTav) Write out averaged <Huon*t> for tracer 06: sand_02
T Aout(iHVTav) Write out averaged <Hvom*t> for tracer 05: sand_01
T Aout(iHVTav) Write out averaged <Hvom*t> for tracer 06: sand_02

Stations Parameters, Grid: 01

3 Nstation Number of stations to write out into stations file.
T Sout(idbath) Write out free-surface.
T Sout(idFsur) Write out free-surface.
T Sout(idUbar) Write out 2D U-momentum component.
T Sout(idVbar) Write out 2D V-momentum component.
T Sout(idUvel) Write out 3D U-momentum component.
T Sout(idVvel) Write out 3D V-momentum component.
T Sout(idWvel) Write out W-momentum component.
T Sout(idOvel) Write out omega vertical velocity.
T Sout(idTvar) Write out tracer 01: temp
T Sout(idTvar) Write out tracer 02: salt
T Sout(idTvar) Write out tracer 03: mud_01
T Sout(idTvar) Write out tracer 04: mud_02
T Sout(idTvar) Write out tracer 05: sand_01
T Sout(idTvar) Write out tracer 06: sand_02
T Sout(idUsms) Write out surface U-momentum stress.
T Sout(idVsms) Write out surface V-momentum stress.
T Sout(idUbms) Write out bottom U-momentum stress.
T Sout(idVbms) Write out bottom V-momentum stress.
T Sout(idUbrs) Write out bottom U-current stress.
T Sout(idVbrs) Write out bottom V-current stress.
T Sout(idUbws) Write out wind-induced, bottom U-wave stress.
T Sout(idVbws) Write out wind-induced, bottom V-wave stress.
T Sout(idUbcs) Write out max wind + current, bottom U-wave stress.
T Sout(idVbcs) Write out max wind + current, bottom V-wave stress.
T Sout(idUbot) Write out bed wave orbital U-velocity.
T Sout(idVbot) Write out bed wave orbital V-velocity.
T Sout(idUbur) Write out bottom U-velocity above bed.
T Sout(idVbvr) Write out bottom V-velocity above bed.
T Sout(idWamp) Write out wave height.
T Sout(idWlen) Write out wave length.
T Sout(idWdir) Write out wave direction.
T Sout(idWptp) Write out wave surface period.
T Sout(idWpbt) Write out wave bottom period.
T Sout(idWorb) Write out wave bottom orbital velocity.
T Sout(idWdis) Write out wave dissipation.
T Sout(idBott) Write out bottom property 01: grain_diameter
T Sout(idBott) Write out bottom property 02: grain_density
T Sout(idBott) Write out bottom property 03: settling_vel
T Sout(idBott) Write out bottom property 04: erosion_stress
T Sout(idBott) Write out bottom property 05: ripple_length
T Sout(idBott) Write out bottom property 06: ripple_height
T Sout(idBott) Write out bottom property 07: bed_wave_amp
T Sout(idBott) Write out bottom property 08: Zo_def
T Sout(idBott) Write out bottom property 09: Zo_app
T Sout(idBott) Write out bottom property 10: Zo_Nik
T Sout(idBott) Write out bottom property 11: Zo_bio
T Sout(idBott) Write out bottom property 12: Zo_bedform
T Sout(idBott) Write out bottom property 13: Zo_bedload
T Sout(idBott) Write out bottom property 14: Zo_wbl
T Sout(idBott) Write out bottom property 15: active_layer_thickness
T Sout(idBott) Write out bottom property 16: saltation
T Sout(idBott) Write out bottom property 17: bed_inund_depth
T Sout(idBott) Write out bottom property 18: dep_net
T Sout(idVvis) Write out vertical viscosity coefficient.
T Sout(idMtke) Write out turbulent kinetic energy.
T Sout(idMtls) Write out turbulent generic length-scale.

Flag and positions for station 0001: 0 38.0000 25.0000
Flag and positions for station 0002: 0 38.0000 35.0000
Flag and positions for station 0003: 0 38.0000 45.0000

Lateral Boundary Conditions: NLM

Variable Grid West Edge South Edge East Edge North Edge
--------- ---- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------

zeta 1 Chapman Imp Chapman Imp Chapman Imp Closed

ubar 1 Flather Flather Flather Closed

vbar 1 Flather Flather Flather Closed

u 1 Rad + Nud Rad + Nud Rad + Nud Closed

v 1 Rad + Nud Rad + Nud Rad + Nud Closed

temp 1 Radiation Radiation Radiation Closed

salt 1 Radiation Radiation Radiation Closed

mud_01 1 Radiation Radiation Radiation Closed

mud_02 1 Radiation Radiation Radiation Closed

sand_01 1 Radiation Radiation Radiation Closed

sand_02 1 Radiation Radiation Radiation Closed

tke 1 Radiation Radiation Radiation Closed

ubar_stokes 1 Gradient Gradient Gradient Closed

vbar_stokes 1 Gradient Gradient Gradient Closed

u_stokes 1 Gradient Gradient Gradient Closed

v_stokes 1 Gradient Gradient Gradient Closed

Activated C-preprocessing Options:

ANA_BPFLUX Analytical bottom passive tracers fluxes.
ANA_BSFLUX Analytical kinematic bottom salinity flux.
ANA_BTFLUX Analytical kinematic bottom temperature flux.
ANA_FSOBC Analytical free-surface boundary conditions.
ANA_INITIAL Analytical initial conditions.
ANA_M2OBC Analytical 2D momentum boundary conditions.
ANA_SEDIMENT Analytical sediment initial conditions.
ANA_SSFLUX Analytical kinematic surface salinity flux.
ASSUMED_SHAPE Using assumed-shape arrays.
AVERAGES Writing out time-averaged nonlinear model fields.
CURVGRID Orthogonal curvilinear grid.
DIAGNOSTICS_UV Computing and writing momentum diagnostic terms.
DIFF_GRID Horizontal diffusion coefficient scaled by grid size.
DJ_GRADPS Parabolic Splines density Jacobian (Shchepetkin, 2002).
DOUBLE_PRECISION Double precision arithmetic.
GLS_MIXING Generic Length-Scale turbulence closure.
KANTHA_CLAYSON Kantha and Clayson stability function formulation.
MASKING Land/Sea masking.
MCT_LIB Using Model Coupling Toolkit library.
MIX_S_TS Mixing of tracers along constant S-surfaces.
MIX_S_UV Mixing of momentum along constant S-surfaces.
MPI MPI distributed-memory configuration.
WEC_MELLOR Mellore wave current interaction terms.
WEC_VF Vortex Force wave current interaction.
WDISS_WAVEMOD Wave energy dissipation acquired from coupled wave model.
NONLINEAR Nonlinear Model.
!NONLIN_EOS Linear Equation of State for seawater.
N2S2_HORAVG Horizontal smoothing of buoyancy and shear.
POWER_LAW Power-law shape time-averaging barotropic filter.
PROFILE Time profiling activated .
K_GSCHEME Third-order upstream advection of TKE fields.
RI_SPLINES Parabolic Spline Reconstruction for Richardson Number.
!RST_SINGLE Double precision fields in restart NetCDF file.
SALINITY Using salinity.
SEDIMENT Cohesive and noncohesive sediments.
SED_MORPH Allow bottom model elevation to evolve.
SUSPLOAD Activate suspended sediment transport.
NONCOHESIVE_BED1 Activate non-cohesive (original) sediment bed.
SOLVE3D Solving 3D Primitive Equations.
SPLINES_VDIFF Parabolic Spline Reconstruction for Vertical Diffusion.
SPLINES_VVISC Parabolic Spline Reconstruction for Vertical Viscosity.
SSW_BBL Styles and Glenn Bottom Boundary Layer - modified.
SSW_CALC_ZNOT Internal computation of bottom roughness.
STATIONS Writing out station data.
SWAN_COUPLING SWAN model coupling.
TS_U3HADVECTION Third-order upstream horizontal advection of tracers.
TS_C4VADVECTION Fourth-order centered vertical advection of tracers.
TS_DIF2 Harmonic mixing of tracers.
UV_ADV Advection of momentum.
UV_COR Coriolis term.
UV_U3HADVECTION Third-order upstream horizontal advection of 3D momentum.
UV_C4VADVECTION Fourth-order centered vertical advection of momentum.
UV_KIRBY Compute uwave and vwave Kirby avg velocities.
UV_VIS2 Harmonic mixing of momentum.
VAR_RHO_2D Variable density barotropic mode.
WAVES_OCEAN Two-way wave-ocean models coupling.

CHECKDEFS - only one wave current formulation is allowed.

Elapsed CPU time (seconds):

ROMS/TOMS - Output NetCDF summary for Grid 01:

ROMS/TOMS - Configuration error ..... exit_flag: 5

ERROR: Illegal model configuration.

SWAN grid 1 is preparing computation
srun: Job step aborted: Waiting up to 32 seconds for job step to finish.
srun: error: compute-1-19: tasks 148-156: Killed
srun: error: compute-1-18: tasks 132,134-135,137,140-142: Exited with exit code 255
srun: error: compute-1-16: tasks 96-111: Killed
srun: error: compute-1-17: tasks 112-127: Killed
srun: error: compute-1-19: tasks 144-147,157-159: Killed
srun: error: compute-1-18: tasks 128-131,133,136,138-139,143: Exited with exit code 255
The header file is here, I also attached the file
#define ROMS_MODEL
#define SWAN_MODEL
#define MCT_LIB

#define UV_VIS2
#define MIX_S_UV
#define MASKING
#define UV_ADV
#undef UV_COR
#define TS_MPDATA
#define DJ_GRADPS

#define SOLVE3D
#define WEC_VF
#define UV_KIRBY
/* atmosphere forcing */
#undef ANA_FSOBC
#undef ANA_M2OBC
#define ANA_SSFLUX
#define ANA_RAIN
#define LONGWAVE
#define ANA_TAIR
#define ANA_CLOUD
#define ANA_FSOBC
#define ANA_M2OBC
/* define only one of the following 5 */
#undef UV_QDRAG
#undef MB_BBL
#undef SG_BBL
#define SSW_BBL
#ifdef SSW_BBL
# define SSW_CALC_ZNOT

#ifdef SOLVE3D
# define GLS_MIXING
# ifdef GLS_MIXING
# define RI_SPLINES
# define N2S2_HORAVG
# endif
# define SEDIMENT
# ifdef SEDIMENT
# define SUSPLOAD
# define SED_MORPH
# endif
# if defined SEDIMENT || defined SG_BBL || defined MB_BBL || defined SSW_BBL
# endif
# define ANA_BPFLUX
# define ANA_BTFLUX
# define ANA_BSFLUX

#define AVERAGES
#define STATIONS
input file
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Posts: 1198
Joined: Wed Dec 31, 2003 6:16 pm
Location: USGS, USA

Re: problem of running coupled SWAN+ROMS under wind forcing

#2 Unread post by jcwarner »

you have 2 wave-current formulations defined:
WEC_MELLOR Mellore wave current interaction terms.
WEC_VF Vortex Force wave current interaction.
you need to select only one. I suggest you use WEC_VF.

Post Reply