Coupling any Atmospheric model to ROMS

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Coupling any Atmospheric model to ROMS

#1 Unread post by nishtha_2 »


I have a query related to the coupling of ROMS to any atmospheric model. As it is known, ROMS is already coupled to WRF, REGCM and COAMPS models. But if I intend to use any other atmospheric model with ROMS, what procedure am I supposed to follow and is it possible to do that?

I am asking this because I found COAMPS and REGCM mentioned only inside cppdefs.h file and I couldn't find any other information about how to use them. I also find that most of the work is done on the basis of WRF. Therefore, I want to know about the steps involved in coupling of ROMS to any of these models using MCT and can I follow the similar procedure for other atmospheric models too?

Thanks for any information,


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Re: Coupling any Atmospheric model to ROMS

#2 Unread post by jcwarner »

we have coupled roms to wrf and several wave models using mct as part of the COAWST modeling system. You can use that as an example, but my experiences tell me that every model is different and there is no set specific way that will work for all models. so you would need to learn that other model code and work carefully to have a coupled system. if you want access to our coupled system you can send me an email to

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Re: Coupling any Atmospheric model to ROMS

#3 Unread post by turuncu »

Hi, ROMS is coupled with RegCM but the approach is little bit different when it is compared with COAWST modeling system. In this case, we are using driver approach and the the name of the modeling system is RegESM. You can find more information in the following link,

Also, RegESM modeling system uses ESMF as a coupler library while COAWST uses MCT. In addition, we are also plaining to support WRF in the near feature and this interface is in still testing phase.

As i know there is also third option for ROMS coupling which is called as CROCCO

it uses OASIS as a coupler. So, choosing right modeling system is closely related with your application and your needs. For example, we have just introduced co-processing component in the RegESM modeling system to analize model output while simulation is running. It is especially important for very-high resolution application and fast moving processes. I hope it helps.

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Re: Coupling any Atmospheric model to ROMS

#4 Unread post by turuncu »

By the way, if you want to add new atmospheric model component to RegESM modeling system. You just need to write a ESMF cap (in NUOPC terminology). Then rest of the modeling system will adjust to use new atmosphere model. To have an idea bout the cap, just look at a mod_esmf_atm.F90 in the RegESM modeling system code.

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