I am in process of implementing incremental strong constraint ROMS-4DVAR (I4D-Var) for the operational forecast of Indian Ocean. I have successfully tested the WC13 configuration in our cluster. Now I am trying to setup ROMS-4DVAR for the Indian Ocean with 1/12 deg resolution and 40 vertical levels.
In this regards, I have downloaded MetOffice Levitus et al profiles data (Temp and Salt) from http://hadobs.metoffice.com/en4/download-en4-2-1.html and prepared ROMS observations for Aug 2016 with Matlab script d_ts_metoffice.m provided with ROMS. I also prepared monthly standard deviation files for initial condition, surface forcing and boundary condition with d_std.m, d_std_frc.m and d_std_bry.m respectively. I made sure that the ocean_time for std files and obs_time/survey_time for obs file match with that of the model initial file.
Then I moved to Normalization directory and computed the error covariance normalization factors using the randomization approach.
Now I am trying to run I4DVAR for 15 days with the initial file on 15-AUG-2016. But here I am surprised to see that the model is not assimilating the observations at all!

Is the format of ROMS observation file correct (attached a ncdump'ed file of obs, io_ts_super_obs.nc.in)? Or the procedure I followed is wrong somewhere? I have attached necessary scripts and outputs for your references. Any kind of help or advice would be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Biswamoy Paul