Regarding ROMS "zeta" and surface geostrophic currents

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Regarding ROMS "zeta" and surface geostrophic currents

#1 Unread post by yadusharma »

Hi Forum,

I have a question regarding the calculation of the surface geostrophic currents from ROMS as

Ugeo=(g/f)X delta(SSHA) [Please see the attached complete equation]

Can I directly use the "zeta" field from ROMS? Or Do I have to subtract the Mean Dynamic Topography from ROMS zeta? :shock:

From the ROMS forum I found that "ROMS zeta is absolute SSH" and "ROMS zeta is close to the sum of MDT and sea level anomaly (SLA)".

I would be grateful for any suggestions in this regard.
Thanks in advance
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