blow up after first time step

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blow up after first time step

#1 Unread post by kobl1201 »


i recently had an experince which the model stopped after first step.

I could find NaN from the log file. The model always stops in a certain area.

Therefore, i checked my input files such as initial, boundary, atmospheric forcing and so on.

I couldn't find erro file or missing file.

I can't solve this problem. Please help ~

Here is my log file.
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Re: blow up after first time step

#2 Unread post by jcwarner »

so if you look at the history file using ncview (or similar), what do the fields look like?
you are going to have to dig into the output to see what is happening. Is it having trouble at the open boundary, along the coast, etc.

i see you have theta_s = 7 and that might be high. not sure.
does it run without all that forcing on it? how did you get your init conditions? try a few simple things, then add the forcings onto it.

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