Alternative wave coupling for efficient storm surge modeling

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Alternative wave coupling for efficient storm surge modeling

#1 Unread post by stef »

I'm interested in modeling storm surges in the context of probabilistic risk assessment, e.g. using the Joint Probability Method as described e.g. in [1]. See also ROMS forum post [3]. I just found a paper [2] describing an efficient alternative to SWAN.

The authors of [2] note that, as opposed to SWAN, the frequency space is not explicitly modeled. They further say that their model "should be used with caution in applications where a detailed spectral shape must be predicted, such as studies of long-term sediment transport and beach profile changes."

As such, the application space is somewhat orthogonal that of COAWST, in the sense that this is used for rapid flood forecasting. They say in idealized setups the speedup compared to SWAN is roughly 40-60, depending on SWAN's frequency resolution.

I still have to learn a lot about wind waves, but based on my present understanding, this seems to be what I need.

I guess ROMS/COAWST aim to deliver as comprehensive physics as possible, so ROMS' target audience may be less interested in this (?).

But I still want to ask if anybody has implemented their method in ROMS, or if there are plans to do this in the future?


FEMA Operating Guidance No. 8-12: Joint Probability – Optimal Sampling Method for Tropical Storm Surge Frequency Analysis

Marsooli, Reza, et al. "A coupled circulation–wave model for numerical simulation of storm tides and waves." Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 34.7 (2017): 1449-1467.


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