doubts about BULK_FLUX

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doubts about BULK_FLUX

#1 Unread post by qizheng »

Hi everyone,

I am trying to set my own case but I have some questions about BULK_FLUX which may be stupid for others. Can anyone give me a hint?
1. In my case, I have generated a bulk fluxes input nc file(; This bulk file contains: surface air temperature, relative humidity, precipitation rate, wind speed at 10m, net outgoing longwave radiation, downward longwave radiation, shortwave radiation but does not have surface air pressure) as my surface forcing file and fed it by I have defined BULK_FLUX, can ROMS model read my own as surface forcing if I also define ANA_SSFLUX ANA_STFLUX ANA_SMFLUX ANA_SRFLUX?
2. If it cannot, How can I use my own forcing file when I define BULK_FLUX?

Thanks a lot for any help!

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Re: doubts about BULK_FLUX

#2 Unread post by kate »

If you want bulk fluxes, you don't want any of those ANA_SXFLUX options on.

I believe you need air pressure. I don't recall what all it is used for, but I think it goes into converting relative humidity to specific humidity. In a pinch, you can try to set it to 1000 everywhere.

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Re: doubts about BULK_FLUX

#3 Unread post by wilkin »

You can #define ANA_PAIR and ROMS will go to your code in Functionals/ana_pair.h where you can set a default constant value.

It will read all others from the file - which is the default if no 'ANA' is defined.

At runtime you should see the variables it reads from your netcdf file, but not get an error that Pair is unknown.

At the end of the run ROMS reports which Functionals were used - make sure you see your customized ana_pair.h there.

By "net outgoing longwave radiation" do you mean "net longwave". If you want ROMS to compute outgoing longwave from SST then #define LONGWAVE_OUT and check that it reads downward longwave, by default it will look for net longwave. Be careful with sign conventions for upward and downward.
John Wilkin: DMCS Rutgers University
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Re: doubts about BULK_FLUX

#4 Unread post by qizheng »

Hi Kate and Wilkin,

Thanks a lot for your kind and careful reminding. It makes sense to me now. I will have a try following your guidance.

Best regards

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