output of ROMS memory usage

Post ROMS benchmark results

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output of ROMS memory usage

#1 Unread post by falk »

hi all,
i am not sure which category to post this in - so I chose benchmarks.

In this ticket, https://www.myroms.org/projects/src/ticket/783
Hernan shows that ROMS can output how much memory is allocated for each grid and tile that works w/ ROMS 3.7
An example of this output is below from Hernan's post.

However, when running COAWST w/ ROMS 3.7 I do not see any such memory usage reported in the stdout output.

Is there a CPPDEF that has to be defined? Or perhaps this was not included in the version of COAWST from about 1 year ago?

Having this memory reported is VERY useful.

thank you

----- from Hernan's post at the link above ----
Process Information:

Node # 0 (pid= 7420) is active.
Node # 3 (pid= 7423) is active.
Node # 1 (pid= 7421) is active.
Node # 2 (pid= 7422) is active.


Dynamic and Automatic memory (MB) usage for Grid 01: 240x104x40 tiling: 2x2

tile Dynamic Automatic USAGE

0 145.33 16.94 162.27
1 146.47 16.94 163.42
2 147.88 16.94 164.83
3 149.05 16.94 165.99

SUM 588.73 67.78 656.51

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Joined: Wed Dec 31, 2003 6:16 pm
Location: USGS, USA

Re: output of ROMS memory usage

#2 Unread post by jcwarner »

it may not have been in my version a while ago. there is not a cpp def for it.
However I just pushed out a new version with all of Rutgers updates. Ran the Sandy test case and it shows mem usage (see below). So you should be all set.

Dynamic and Automatic memory (MB) usage for Grid 01: 85x63x16 tiling: 6x3

tile Dynamic Automatic USAGE MPI-Buffers

0 15.27 1.63 16.91 1.63
1 16.21 1.63 17.85 1.63
2 16.21 1.63 17.85 1.63
3 16.21 1.63 17.85 1.63
4 16.21 1.63 17.85 1.63
5 15.04 1.63 16.67 1.63
6 15.59 1.63 17.23 1.63
7 16.61 1.63 18.24 1.63
8 16.61 1.63 18.24 1.63
9 16.61 1.63 18.24 1.63
10 16.61 1.63 18.24 1.63
11 15.34 1.63 16.97 1.63
12 15.27 1.63 16.91 1.63
13 16.21 1.63 17.85 1.63
14 16.21 1.63 17.85 1.63
15 16.21 1.63 17.85 1.63
16 16.21 1.63 17.85 1.63
17 15.04 1.63 16.67 1.63

SUM 287.70 29.39 317.09 29.39

Dynamic and Automatic memory (MB) usage for Grid 02: 114x84x16 tiling: 6x3

tile Dynamic Automatic USAGE MPI-Buffers

0 17.72 3.93 21.65 3.93
1 17.39 3.93 21.32 3.93
2 17.39 3.93 21.32 3.93
3 17.39 3.93 21.32 3.93
4 17.39 3.93 21.32 3.93
5 17.39 3.93 21.32 3.93
6 17.48 3.93 21.41 3.93
7 17.16 3.93 21.09 3.93
8 17.16 3.93 21.09 3.93
9 17.16 3.93 21.09 3.93
10 17.16 3.93 21.09 3.93
11 17.16 3.93 21.09 3.93
12 17.48 3.93 21.41 3.93
13 17.16 3.93 21.09 3.93
14 17.16 3.93 21.09 3.93
15 17.16 3.93 21.09 3.93
16 17.16 3.93 21.09 3.93
17 17.16 3.93 21.09 3.93

SUM 311.20 70.72 381.92 70.72

TOTAL 598.90 100.11 699.01 100.11

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