SWAN+WRF coupling problem using COAWST

General scientific issues regarding ROMS

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SWAN+WRF coupling problem using COAWST

#1 Unread post by fagundesmo »

Hi all (sorry in advance my post isn't strictly about ROMS only),

In order to make the full coupling (WRF+SWAN+ROMS) I am taking baby steps and trying to see if the models are working properly by themselves and coupled. As of right now, I am trying to couple only SWAN+WRF to see if they would work before adding my ROMS model that is already working. When I define ROMS plus all the other flags, coawst.bash generates the binary file but when I undefine ROMS and just leave the commands below,

#define SWAN_MODEL
#define WRF_MODEL
#define MCT_LIB

coawst.bash gives the error below:


USE mod_kinds
Fatal Error: Can't open module file ‘mod_param.mod’ for reading at (1): No such file or directory
compilation terminated.

which is weird since I am not defining ROMS and it's trying to export ROMS fields. So I was wondering if the coupling method will only work when ROMS is defined either with SWAN or WRF, and therefore, I could make ROMS boundaries closed or maybe I am leaving something out that I should add in order to this coupling to work.

Thank you in advance,

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Re: SWAN+WRF coupling problem using COAWST

#2 Unread post by jcwarner »

can you try an update to the code and make sure you have the most recent version? i think that was an issue we corrected.
If you still have troubles, can you make an issue here:

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Location: University of Georgia

Re: SWAN+WRF coupling problem using COAWST

#3 Unread post by fagundesmo »

Hi John,

I updated and the error still persists. I will post my files there.

Thank you,

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