Vertical flux for pointsource

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Vertical flux for pointsource

#1 Unread post by jivica »

Dear all,
I am wondering if some of you have used option in model for sediments by specifying vertical flux like:
#define Q_PSOURCE
(Q_PSOURCE should allow a vertical flux tracer instead of a horizontal flux)

I have made test grid of 60x30x20 (grid cell size is about 50m in both directions) ...
no external forcing, only point source at the top (river input at the surface)...
STRANGE TO ME IS THAT :roll: after compilation there is no evidence of Q_PSOURCE (like when I get all flags by running the model, or in atribute in .nc files...)

(ROMS version of 24/5/2007)

Thansk in advance

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#2 Unread post by jcwarner »

I posted a reply toi this on the roms_bugs page.
Also, this issue was Trac ticket #59, and is hopefully resolved now. Do an svn update and go ahead and give it another try.

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