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#1 Unread post by pmaccc »

I am updating my system to use the most recent version of ROMS (my current version is from 2016, oops!). I am able to run the upwelling example on my cluster, but when I try to run using my realistic forcing ROMS appears to halt right after successfully reading the initial state from a history file, and (I think) right before reading the tide forcing file.

Earlier in the log file it threw this warning/error:

Code: Select all

  TIDE_DATE - Checking tidal reference date for zero phase: 
                 'zero_phase_date' variable not found in: /mmfs1/gscratch/macc/parker/LO_output/forcing/cas6_v0/f2021.11.10/tide0/
                 given tide_start =     8035.0000 (days)
                 tide_DateNumber  =   727564.0000 (1992-01-01 00:00:00)
The variable zero_phase date was not in the earlier version of varinfo.dat. My question is, is it required?

Thanks, parker

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Re: zero_phase_date

#2 Unread post by arango »

Yes, you need to update varinfo.dat. For more information about that specific update check the following :arrow: trac ticket.

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