Restart in ROMS

General scientific issues regarding ROMS

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Restart in ROMS

#1 Unread post by dputrasahan »

Hi all!

I was trying to do a 5 year spin-up run on ROMS when it stalled about 10 months into the run. I would like to restart the run from the last record before it stalled (day 297.5 in this case). I have the restart file, but would I have to convert this to an initial file to restart the run? What are the things I would need to change in Should NRREC=1 or -1? LDEFOUT==F ? DSTART == 297.5 ? TIME_REF == ? How can I ensure that ROMS takes in the boundary, forcing and climatological files that correspond to the correct month (starting from Oct. in this case)? Is there anything else I'd need to change before restarting the run? Thank you in advance for all the help.


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#2 Unread post by jcwarner »

Please read the information at the bottom of the file to see the meaning of the terms ldefout etc.
If I were you, i would first make a copy of the restart file in case something strange happens.
- you do not need to change dstart.
- you do not need to change time ref.
- You need to change ini_file to now be the restart file.
- You may want to change the name of the restart file so your last one does not get overwrittten, but this is not necessary.
-You will want to investigate which value of NRREC to use.
Edit the restart file, and see the times for ocean_time.
Set nrrec to equal the index that is 297.5.

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Restart in ROMS

#3 Unread post by dputrasahan »

Thank you!
I found the index that was needed for NRREC. And I also used the history file instead of the restart file so that the time index corresponded. Thanks again.

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#4 Unread post by schamarthi1 »

note that NRREC is a function of NRST.
here in a given previous run how many time u have written the rst files become the NRREC value. Thats how I am getting the rerun with sucess.

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