SCORPIO pio_file_fail_np4_nio2_st2 (Timeout)

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SCORPIO pio_file_fail_np4_nio2_st2 (Timeout)

#1 Unread post by carlosag »

Hello everybody,
Hope you are all fine.
I have followed, to the best of my understanding, the instructions in and I am stuck in SCORPIO.
First of all, let me clarifying I am not running under a system ran by SLURM. I am running in my personal work computer (fedora 35 (Workstation Edition)) and I am not sure if I need to install Parallel IO and Scorpio.
I am compiling with MPI-Intel, so mpiicc, mpiifort, mpiicpc, etc., and all runs well arpack, ESMF, MCT, hdf5, pnetcdf, netcdf, netcdf-f, Parallel PIO) but when I get to scorpio, all runs except for

20 - pio_file_fail_np4_nio2_st2 (Timeout)
both in make -j 5 and make -j 5 check are fine but ctest failes just there:

20 - pio_file_fail_np4_nio2_st2 (Timeout)

I did not compile with DAP but still I have tried:

#if NC_HAS_DAP==1


#if NC_HAS_DAP==1 || NC_HAS_DAP2==1 || NC_HAS_DAP4==1

for cmake/TryNetCDF_DAP.c

Does anyone has a clue what this could be?
And furthermore,
Should I be use SCORPIO to run ROMS in my personal working computer?

Thank you very much in advance,

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Re: SCORPIO pio_file_fail_np4_nio2_st2 (Timeout)

#2 Unread post by arango »

Well, it seems that you missed the point that we make in that webpage that the SCORPIO library is much slower when compared to PIO. Use the PIO library instead.
The SCORPIO library was forked from the PIO library several years ago and evolved separately. The generic interface for parallel I/O in ROMS works for both the PIO or SCORPIO libraries and is available by activating the PIO_LIB CPP option. However, we recommend using the PIO library because it is more efficient in processing I/O in our benchmark tests.

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