Typos in roms.in and varinfo.dat

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Typos in roms.in and varinfo.dat

#1 Unread post by stlaur »

A few typos in the trunk version. In file User/External/roms.in:

Code: Select all

! Input lateral boundary conditions and climatology file names.  The
! USER has the option to split input data time records into several
! NetCDF files (see prologue instructions above). If so, use a single
! line per entry with a vertical bar (|) symbol after each entry,
! except the last one.

     BRYNAME == roms_bry.nc
     CLMNAME == roms_clm.nc

! Input climatology nudging coefficients file name.
This block is missing the parameters NBCFILES and NCLMFILES.

In file ROMS/External/varinfo.dat:

Code: Select all

'river_PON'                                        ! Input
  'river runoff particulate organic nitrogen'
  'millimole_nitrogen meter-3'                     ! [millimole/m3]
  'river_DON, scalar, series'
The 4th line should be 'river_PON, scalar, series'. The 6th line should be 'idRtrc(iPON_)'.

Code: Select all

'PO4'                                              ! Input/Output
  'phosphate concentration'
  'millimole_PO4 meter-3'                          ! [millimole/m3]
  'PO4, scalar, series'
This entry appears twice in the file (with the exact same spelling).
The duplicate entry can be found with a search on 'idTvar(iPO4_)'.

Code: Select all

'RDeN_west'                                        ! Input
  'river carbon detritus western boundary condition'
  'millimole_carbon meter-3'                       ! [millimole/m3]
  'RDeC_west, scalar, series'

'RDeN_north'                                       ! Input
  'river carbon detritus northern boundary condition'
  'millimole_carbon meter-3'                       ! [millimole/m3]
  'RDeC_north, scalar, series'

'RDeN_south'                                       ! Input
  'river carbon detritus southern boundary condition'
  'millimole_carbon meter-3'                       ! [millimole/m3]
  'RDeC_south, scalar, series'
The first line of these 3 entries should be 'RDeC_west', 'RDeC_north', and 'RDeC_south', respectively.

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Re: Typos in roms.in and varinfo.dat

#2 Unread post by arango »

Yes, I did notice those, thank you! As a matter of fact, I replaced varinfo.dat with a YAML file varinfo.yaml. It will released with ROMS 4.1. Stay tuned.

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Re: Typos in roms.in and varinfo.dat

#3 Unread post by pmaccc »

I think a couple of other river variables required by the Fennel code may also be missing from varinfo.dat. In fennel_var.h (release 1054) it asks for:
CASE ('idRtrc(iPhyt)')
CASE ('idRtrc(iZoop)')

but there are no phytoplankton or zooplankton river fields in varinfo.dat.

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