Sloping bottom

General scientific issues regarding ROMS

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Sloping bottom

#1 Unread post by logvinov »


I am using ROMS for running very simple model.
Uniform wind stress on the top is from West to East direction. No stratification.

Wall for North and South
Periodic for E-W

For flat bottom case I got good output (Ekman top and bottom flow, interior flow in the direction of the wind). But when I add slope (even a very gentle one) to the problem the output makes no sense (flow in the interior goes in the opposite direction and secondary circulation is trapped near the southern wall (shallower part) ).

Could you give me any suggestions?

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#2 Unread post by jcwarner »

just a quick check - i assume you did a pcolor on the bottom bathy and the slope is in the right direction? how did you add the slope? is it a tiling issue in the way you may have set ana grid ??
(these are just a few quick guesses).

Posts: 23
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Location: Massachusetts Institute of Technology

#3 Unread post by logvinov »

jcwarner wrote:just a quick check - i assume you did a pcolor on the bottom bathy and the slope is in the right direction? how did you add the slope? is it a tiling issue in the way you may have set ana grid ??
(these are just a few quick guesses).
Thanks for your reply.
Yep I did pcolor and the slope is in a right direction.
I added slope in analytical.f

elif defined EKMAN_WALL
DO j=JstrR,JendR
DO i=IstrR,IendR

When I set USER to 0 everything is fine, but if it is different from 0 problems come out

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