Nope, there is no limitation. The filename is limited to
256 characters, and the number of files in the sequence
files(:) is allocated internally to the number of files that it finds. This is the first time we have heard of a user providing files for
30 years. If I want to do such a long simulation, I will do restarts. Anyway, It seems that there is a problem with the specific syntax for these entries in your file.
With a bit of curiosity, you would discover that the answers to your question can be found easily in
ROMS/Modules/mod_iounits.F. The code is well documented internally for users to explore its complexity:
Code: Select all
integer :: IOtype ! file IO type
integer :: Nfiles ! number of multi-files
integer :: Fcount ! multi-file counter
integer :: load ! filename load counter
integer :: Rindex ! NetCDF record index
integer :: ncid ! NetCDF file ID
integer, pointer :: Nrec(:) ! NetCDF record size
integer, pointer :: Vid(:) ! NetCDF variables IDs
integer, pointer :: Tid(:) ! NetCDF tracers IDs
real(dp), pointer :: time_min(:) ! starting time
real(dp), pointer :: time_max(:) ! ending time
character (len=50 ) :: label ! structure label
character (len=256) :: head ! head filename
character (len=256) :: base ! base filename
character (len=256) :: name ! current name
character (len=256), pointer :: files(:) ! multi-file names
#if defined PIO_LIB && defined DISTRIBUTE
TYPE (File_desc_t) :: pioFile ! file descriptor
TYPE (My_VarDesc), pointer :: pioVar(:) ! variable descriptor
TYPE (My_VarDesc), pointer :: pioTrc(:) ! tracer descriptor