Here are my questions:
Should I convert all input data (NO₃, NH₄, river NO₃, and river NH₄) into millimole Nitrogen per meter³ before inputting it into the model?
If I input the data as millimole Nitrogen per meter³, does the model convert the units internally, resulting in outputs of mmol NO₃ per meter³ and mmol NH₄ per meter³?
Alternatively, do the outputs actually represent millimole Nitrogen per meter³, and I need to convert them to the specific units manually?
To summarize:
ROMS/External/varinfo.dat: Input/output for NO₃ and NH₄ → millimole Nitrogen per meter³
River forcing variables: Input for river NO₃ and NH₄ → millimole Nitrogen per meter³
My output results:
Output NO₃ → millimole NO₃ per meter³
Output NH₄ → millimole NH₄ per meter³
It's so confusing.
Please help me