horizontal distribution of river discharge

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horizontal distribution of river discharge

#1 Unread post by nageswararao »

Hi all,
I am trying to simulate Indian Ocean region using ROMS-2.2. I would like to know how can I distribute the river discharge over some grid points. I am using matlab code to force my model with rivers. Presently I am including 11 rivers in my model. Since the discharge is not spreading, the fresh water is constrained to one point in my salinity pattern. How can I spread it?
All suggestions are welcome.

Thanks in advance.

With regards,

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spreading the river flow

#2 Unread post by schamarthi1 »

u can put some velocity activating the uv-psource. :lol:


#3 Unread post by nageswararao »

I had already switched on that option. River discharge was not distributing over the domain so that I am not getting climatological pattern of salinity good. Near river source the salinity is low and it is not distributing over the domain to some points. I am using salinity surfaces for horizontal mixing and Third-order upstream bias advection scheme for momentum and tracers. How can I distribute the river discharge over some points in the domain ?
All suggestions are welcome.

Thanks in advance.

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#4 Unread post by jcwarner »

the uv_psource can provide "river discharge over some points in the domain." This method can be used to provide river discahrge at many points in the domain, not just 1.

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river spread

#5 Unread post by schamarthi1 »

is it the strong mixing is the cause?!! :?

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#6 Unread post by schamarthi1 »

The problem basically is when I am putting a river as a point source defined with ANA_Psource, TS_Psource and UV_psource. while integrating salinity field is not spreading out but stays where it is. I tried switching on ana_smflux and also prescribed wind-stress assimilation the salinity does not spread out as is seen in nature.
I am using the east china sea as my domain and the mixing is LMD_mixing process.

can anybody forward some suggestion!!! thanks in advance.

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