SVN Checkout error

General scientific issues regarding ROMS

Moderators: arango, robertson


SVN Checkout error

#1 Unread post by rakeshthp »

Hi there..

I downloaded the latest version of svn: subversion-1.4.5. The problem occurred when i typed the following command:

$svn checkout --username rakeshthp MyDir

I got the following response.

svn: Mismatched RA version for 'https': found 1.4.5, expected 1.4.4

My question is two folded. What does this message convey.?? Should i use 1.4.4 version of subversion??

Secondly, the username which is one of the option, what username do we have to specify, the one which with we registered on ROMS website or the local OS username ..??

Thanks in advance.


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#2 Unread post by robertson »

This post belongs in the ROMS Installation forum. I have posted my reply there. This topic is now locked. If you wish to post a reply do so here.
