mpi, intel compiler and libraries

Discussion on computers, ROMS installation and compiling

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mpi, intel compiler and libraries

#1 Unread post by donguiyo »

I don't have "Intel Mpi". Do I need it to compile ROMS, or the libraries contained in ROMS/LIBS/MCT should do the job?

Any other tips related to mpi compilation with the Intel compiler are more than welcome :wink:



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Re: mpi, intel compiler and libraries

#2 Unread post by jcwarner »

you don't need mpi to run roms by itself. You need mpi to run a roms-swan coupled application.

ROMS works in serial, open mp, or mpi.
To run roms on 1 processor machines, then use serial.
To run roms on 1 or more processor machines, then use open mp for shared memory or mpi for distributed memory.
Open mp comes with the compiler, and the latest version of ifort has openmp.
MPI is another library that one needs to acquire. For example, for windows one can use MPICH2 (free on the web) precompiled libraries. There are other mpi libraries for pgi etc, that can be acquired from vendors or from the web.
There is more info on the wiki ... ion_Portal
or by searching in this discussion forum.

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