Significant wave height = 0
- Posts: 61
- Joined: Mon Jul 20, 2009 2:41 pm
- Location: Port And Costal Engineering Laboratory
Significant wave height = 0
My case is about roms-swan coupling . The domain is 1200m*1200m, slope=1/8.
The max depth =12m , min depth =0.1m. I plot it with hslope.m, which can be found in attachments.
The boundary in ocean is :
ad_LBC(isFsur) == Cha Per Clo Per ! free-surface
ad_LBC(isUbar) == Fla Per Clo Per ! 2D U-momentum
ad_LBC(isVbar) == Fla Per Clo Per ! 2D U-momentum
ad_LBC(isUvel) == Gra Per Clo Per ! 3D U-momentum
ad_LBC(isVvel) == Gra Per Clo Per ! 3D V-momentum
ad_LBC(isMtke) == Gra Per Clo Per ! mixing TKE
ad_LBC(isTvar) == Gra Clo Gra Gra \ ! temperature
Gra Clo Gra Gra ! salinity
The boundary in swan is :
BOUNDPAR2 SEGMENT IJ 0 0 0 60 CONSTANT PAR 2. 10. 10. 30
I can run it ,and I get
But I find the significant wave height in the middle domain are all 0.
I have just run this case by swan, the significant wave height is right .
Could someone tell me why this happen ?
The max depth =12m , min depth =0.1m. I plot it with hslope.m, which can be found in attachments.
The boundary in ocean is :
ad_LBC(isFsur) == Cha Per Clo Per ! free-surface
ad_LBC(isUbar) == Fla Per Clo Per ! 2D U-momentum
ad_LBC(isVbar) == Fla Per Clo Per ! 2D U-momentum
ad_LBC(isUvel) == Gra Per Clo Per ! 3D U-momentum
ad_LBC(isVvel) == Gra Per Clo Per ! 3D V-momentum
ad_LBC(isMtke) == Gra Per Clo Per ! mixing TKE
ad_LBC(isTvar) == Gra Clo Gra Gra \ ! temperature
Gra Clo Gra Gra ! salinity
The boundary in swan is :
BOUNDPAR2 SEGMENT IJ 0 0 0 60 CONSTANT PAR 2. 10. 10. 30
I can run it ,and I get
But I find the significant wave height in the middle domain are all 0.
I have just run this case by swan, the significant wave height is right .
Could someone tell me why this happen ?
- Attachments
- Hwave.png (11.61 KiB) Viewed 7673 times
Re: Significant wave height = 0
just a quick guess - but did you run this tiled 1x2?
- Posts: 61
- Joined: Mon Jul 20, 2009 2:41 pm
- Location: Port And Costal Engineering Laboratory
Re: Significant wave height = 0
Thank you for your reply ,Warner !jcwarner wrote:just a quick guess - but did you run this tiled 1x2?
My case is changed from inlet_case.
My computer is Inter core i7
So i set that
coupling inputfile :
Nthreads(ocean) = 4
Nthreads(waves) = 4
ocean inputfile :
NtileI == 2 ! I-direction partition
NtileJ == 2 ! J-direction partition
run it by command
mpirun -np 8 ./oceanM
my swan input file is generated by roms2swan.m.
I still not resolve it. This is very strange. Could you give me some advice ?
#define UV_VIS2
#define MIX_S_UV
#undef ANA_GRID
#define MASKING
#define UV_ADV
#undef UV_COR
#define TS_MPDATA
#define DJ_GRADPS
#define SOLVE3D
#define SPLINES
#define ANA_SMFLUX
#define ANA_FSOBC
#define ANA_M2OBC
# define MCT_LIB
/* define only one of the following 5 */
#define UV_LOGDRAG
#undef UV_QDRAG
#undef MB_BBL
#undef SG_BBL
#undef SSW_BBL
#ifdef SSW_BBL
# define SSW_CALC_ZNOT
#ifdef SOLVE3D
# define GLS_MIXING
# ifdef GLS_MIXING
# define N2S2_HORAVG
# endif
# undef SEDIMENT
# ifdef SEDIMENT
# define SUSPLOAD
# define SED_MORPH
# endif
# if defined SEDIMENT || defined SG_BBL || defined MB_BBL || defined SSW_BBL
# endif
# define ANA_STFLUX
# define ANA_SSFLUX
# define ANA_BPFLUX
# define ANA_BTFLUX
# define ANA_BSFLUX
# define ANA_SPFLUX
# define ANA_SRFLUX
- Posts: 61
- Joined: Mon Jul 20, 2009 2:41 pm
- Location: Port And Costal Engineering Laboratory
Re: Significant wave height = 0
I find the problem is the boundary condition. If I give Cloesd condition on the south and north. The significant wave height is OK. But if the boundary is periodic , the significant wave height in the middle domain are all 0 . Could someone give me some advice ?
- Posts: 61
- Joined: Mon Jul 20, 2009 2:41 pm
- Location: Port And Costal Engineering Laboratory
Re: Significant wave height = 0
Hi warner,jcwarner wrote:just a quick guess - but did you run this tiled 1x2?
I find you are right ! I make some test case. The grid is Lm=60 Mm=60, if I set Nthreads(ocean) = 1
Nthreads(waves) = 7 , NtileI == 1 NtileJ == 1 ;the Hsig value in j=1 and j=61 are all 0. PIC-1 If Nthreads(ocean) = 4 Nthreads(waves) = 4 , NtileI == 1 NtileJ == 4 ;the Hsig in j=16 are 0.PIC-2 If Nthreads(ocean) = 4 Nthreads(waves) = 4 , NtileI == 2 NtileJ == 2 ;the Hsig in j=31 are 0.PIC-3 I aslo try to compile ROMS by two threads and set Nthreads(ocean) = 1 Nthreads(waves) = 1 , NtileI == 1 NtileJ == 1, the picture of Hisg like PIC-1. Is there something wrong in my case ? Or how should I set Nthreads ,NtileI and NtileJ ? Thank you !
- arango
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Re: Significant wave height = 0
Well, that looks to me like a parallel bug. Periodic conditions are very tricky in distributed-memory (MPI). It seems that a parallel exchange is missing somewhere during the coupling.
- Posts: 61
- Joined: Mon Jul 20, 2009 2:41 pm
- Location: Port And Costal Engineering Laboratory
Re: Significant wave height = 0
Hi arango,arango wrote:Well, that looks to me like a parallel bug. Periodic conditions are very tricky in distributed-memory (MPI). It seems that a parallel exchange is missing somewhere during the coupling.
Thank you for your reply !
My case is roms-swan coupling. The case could be calculated by compiling serial ?
And this way could avoid this problem ?
Chen zhen
Re: Significant wave height = 0
It's certainly worth a try. If you get a different answer, that's the proof you need of a parallel bug.
- Posts: 61
- Joined: Mon Jul 20, 2009 2:41 pm
- Location: Port And Costal Engineering Laboratory
Re: Significant wave height = 0
Kate :kate wrote:It's certainly worth a try. If you get a different answer, that's the proof you need of a parallel bug.
Thank you for your reply !
It's hard to compile serial . There are some errors when I compile it .
USE distribute_mod, ONLY : mp_reduce
CALL mpi_comm_rank (OCN_COMM_WORLD, MyRank, MyError)
It seems only for MPI compiling . In addition, this case should need two threads : one for ocean; another for swan . In the file ,there are two parameter Nthreads(ocean) and Nthreads(waves). I must set Nthreads(ocean)=1 and Nthreads(waves)=1 at least.
Re: Significant wave height = 0
i have not been using the Rutgers model for coupling in a while. But if you want to use a more recent version of the coupling, you can try our COAWST modeling system, with a more recent version of swan, and the vortex force method, etc.
send me an email at
if you would like to try that.
send me an email at
if you would like to try that.
- Posts: 61
- Joined: Mon Jul 20, 2009 2:41 pm
- Location: Port And Costal Engineering Laboratory
Re: Significant wave height = 0
Thank you Warner ,I have sent you an email .jcwarner wrote:i have not been using the Rutgers model for coupling in a while. But if you want to use a more recent version of the coupling, you can try our COAWST modeling system, with a more recent version of swan, and the vortex force method, etc.
send me an email at
if you would like to try that.