can not input the climatology Temp & Salinity

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can not input the climatology Temp & Salinity

#1 Unread post by jiangyuwu »

when I defined 'CLIMA_TS_MIX', and set the climatology file in the '*.in', it would pause after read the boundary file, and could not continue to read the climatology data. It is also found there is not 'idTclm' entrance in 'varinfo.dat'. Where shall I set the entrance for the T&S climatology data? Thanks for any help.

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Re: can not input the climatology Temp & Salinity

#2 Unread post by kate »

The Vname entries for the climatology fields now happens in inp_par.F:

Code: Select all

      IF (ANY(LtracerCLM).or.ANY(LnudgeTCLM)) THEN 
        DO i=1,MT
          IF ( THEN 
            WRITE (stdout,130) MV, varid
          END IF
          DO ng=1,Ngrids
          END DO
          WRITE (Vname(1,varid),'(a)')                                  &    
     &          TRIM(ADJUSTL(Vname(1,idTvar(i))))
          WRITE (Vname(2,varid),'(a,a)')                                &    
     &          TRIM(ADJUSTL(Vname(2,idTvar(i)))), ' climatology'
          WRITE (Vname(3,varid),'(a)')                                  &    
     &          TRIM(ADJUSTL(Vname(3,idTvar(i))))
          WRITE (Vname(4,varid),'(a,a)')                                &    
     &          TRIM(Vname(1,varid)), ', scalar, series'
          WRITE (Vname(5,varid),'(a,a)')                                &    
     &          TRIM(ADJUSTL(Vname(1,idTvar(i)))), '_time'
        END DO
      END IF
If the time variable is not say temp_time, you *have* to set the "time" attribute for your temperature climatology variable. If you don't, ROMS should fail with an error rather than hang, though. How big is your climatology file? Perhaps it's just slow to read it.

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Location: the state key lab of marine environment science, Xiamen,P.R.China

Re: can not input the climatology Temp & Salinity

#3 Unread post by jiangyuwu »

thanks Kate :P the variable for climatology time is 'tclim_' so I modified the inp_par.F by adding two lines in the DO loop
if (Vname(5,varid).eq.'temp_time') Vname(5,varid)='tclm_time'
if (Vname(5,varid).eq.'salt_time') Vname(5,varid)='sclm_time'
it is ok now, the best way is modified the climatology file.

the previous error is listed in the qsub linpack file, and I missed it :oops:

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