i used uv-COR in header file for computing coriolis force. since ROMS out put are in x, y and sigma axes(Cartesian ordinate), so it seems that just f plane is definable for computing coriolis force in ROMS ( i am not sure ).
would you please tell me that in ROMS, coriolis force is computed in f plane or Beta plane?
ROMS is flexible. Did you give it a NetCDF grid file or did you use ana_grid? If you provide a grid file, then f can be any function of lat/lon/x/y you like - ROMS will just read it. With ana_grid, it can also be anything, but f-plane or beta-plane are easiest to code (examples are provided).
I expect most grid-generation codes would create this as the appropriate function of latitude, in the "spherical" case where there is a latitude. ROMS only computes it's own "f" in the ana_grid case.