Nesting Grids

General scientific issues regarding ROMS

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Nesting Grids

#1 Unread post by abever »

I am trying to nest a finer grid over the Po River delta region in the Northern Adriatic Sea. I am using ROMS version 2.1 and it runs fine until I try to add the second grid.

Currently I have the two grids and have changed Ngrids in mod_param.F to 2 and set the size of the second grid.

Lm = (/ 158,198 /)
Mm = (/ 58,198 /)
N = (/ 20,20 /)

I also tried to add the second grid to the .in file in the same manner as multiple input files are specified,


but ROMS will not see the second grid file.

READ_PHYPAR - could not find input file

Can anyone point me in the right direction, and maybe fill me in on what comes next?

Much Thanks

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#2 Unread post by arango »

I coded the full structure for nesting and composed grids except the interpolation routine that loads boundary information to the boundary arrays declared in module mod_boundary.F: *_west, *_east, *_south, and *_north. I have been working on variational data assimilation for the last year or so. I had written all the interpolation routines for data assimilation. We can use similar structure to interpolate the boundary conditions between nested grids.

I haven't yet found the need in my applications for nested/composed grids. However, it is on my list of tasks. I think that we need to start with an idealized application first to check that everything is working correctly. Perhaps, we can have an estuary with a shelf model. At this point I am looking for volunteers that can help me to get this tested. I think that we can get this going very quickly.

I am planing to add this capability sometime this month. I will keep you posted.


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is the nested grid available in ROMS 3.0?

#3 Unread post by jiangyuwu »

I am want to do an estuary simulation with the nested grid. can somebody infor me whether the ROMS can handle the nested grid, if it is ok how to modified the file of *.in?
thanks very much

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